
I'm New Here
I?m thinking about getting a GTR225. When in the ?Monitor? mode of operation where it is listening to the primary and secondary channel at the same time, does the radio hear both channels at the same time? In other words, does the radio mix the two channels (like two separate receivers)? Or while un-squelched on the secondary channel does it tune back to see if there is anything on the primary channel?
The radio monitors both frequencies.
You will hear signals on the 'standby' frequency only if no one is talking on the primary frequency. If you are listening to someone on the standby and the primary becomes active, the radio immediately switches back to the primary.
So if you have ATC on primary, ATIS on secondary, ATIS will be frequently interrupted; you may have to listen to many cycles to get the whole message.
I view the monitor feature as "just okay". Now, two NAV frequencies, like the old SL30 had, that's worthwhile.

BTW, welcome to VAF.
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Does it switch from the ?Standby? back to the primary immediately or does the radio periodically sample the primary channel? My current radio clicks about once a second as it tunes the primary channel. So while on the ?Standby? frequency there is a click every second and it interrupts the audio. So there is up to a one second delay as it gets back to the primary channel and sometimes I miss what is happening there.
My GTR200, which I believe operates the same as the GTR225 in this regard, seems to switch immediately when a transmission is heard on the Primary frequency.