
Well Known Member
For the length of my build I have been using the promise of trips to great places for my wife after the plane is finished in an effort to keep her on my side.

Now that the plane is getting close, she says she wants me to take her to Prince Edward Island....:eek: (Yes she has forced me to watch Anne of Green Gables :mad:)

So those that have done this or know the rules and regs about doing this, what are some things to know if one was to plan this trip from East Tennessee?
PEI Trip

You will need a Eapis account and a passport for those traveling. Northbound you will need to file Eapis and a flight plan but you are not required to talk to anyone while you are in the air. A customs appointment must be set up at a Port of entry in Canada. Charlottetown Airport is a port of entry in PEI but you can use any Port of Entry but it must be where you first choose to land in Canada. Once you have clear customs you are on your own to do as you please. Air regs are very similiar except for pattern entry into uncontrolled airports. Be safe, make your radio calls, we are pretty laid back. Southbound is a little more complicated. Make your customs appointment at a US Port of Entry, file your Eapis and flight plan. You must have a discreet Transponder Code as you cross the border and you must be under care and control of a Controller as you cross the border. In the case of IFR you will be anyway but VFR must be also. You will find in Canada that there is a real dirth of airports so plan accordingly and have fun. PEI is nice province.
Not difficult

The only real prior planning is to get your EApis set up. It is not very difficult once your crew manifest is done. After that your best bet it to clear customs in Moncton NB or Charlottetown PEI. I am sure charlottetown has customs which would work better for you. Not much else special. The airport has cheap cab service into town or you can rent a car. The town has lots of attraction that you can walk to. You will need a car to get to the beaches. There is plenty of them with beatiful red sand. Summerside is a great stop as it has a restaurant with great food in the old army barricks and is only a 5 minute walk from where you park the plane. A local flight down low around the perimeter of the island is a must too. Not sure what else you would like to know. I am sure I can try to better answer your needs.
I was stationed in PEI while in the Canadian Air Force and thoroughly enjoyed it. You will need a passport,Canada Flight Supplement (US equivalent is Flight guide, airport and freq manual) and the 1:500,000 'MONCTON' VFR nav chart. You must file a flight plan to enter Canada and advise Canada customs prior to your US dep point with eta to destination in Canada. Suggest you clear customs in St.Stephen N.B.(CCS3) and then onto Summerside PEI (CYSU ) which is an old airforce base that has been civilianized and is operated by the SlemonPark Corp, 902-432-1760. They have on field accomodation.
You may find the following links helpful
Cheers, Hugh
Stop By


Make sure to stop by and visit me, John, Dave and Dave when you hit the Boston area.

I'm happy to put you guys up if you need a place to stay. FYI, I am just south of Portland, ME.

Good to be planning this far in advance... you'll have time to get all your ducks in a row.

Thanks for all the info guys...It will be some time before I am ready to make this run but I want to get started now with the plans.
St Stephens for customs

I second Hugh's recommendation for landing at St Stephens for customs. Just on the odd chance that customs will want to inspect your plane, Saint Stephens is a major automobile border crossing and there are many customs agents there and you would probably not have to wait long. It is across the river from Calais, Maine. You can also refuel there.