Scott DellAngelo

Well Known Member
My question is about the bottom "pushrod" (not sure what to call it) that is bolted across to tie the two stick positions together. I set the length per the drawing and when I do that, the sticks are slanted in towards each other a little. Is this okay that they are no longer parallel when I do that? Just want to make sure because I am installing the wings tomorrow (weather permitting) and would rather get the push-pull tubes to the ailerons set and then hopefully not mess with them again.

#90598 Fuselage
Starting point only

Adjust it so they are straight up and parallel in the center of range of motion with both ailerons "flat" conforming to the design airfoil. You are right to question when something like this doesn't seem right. When you are done rigging the trailing edge of the wing tip, the ailerons, and flaps should form a straight line on both sides of the fuselage and the sticks should be parallel -straight up. It doesn't take much to change the attitude of the plane in flight so your actual control movements in normal flight will not be very great but there are restrictions in stick movement caused by the legs of the occupants and getting in and out that would be aggravated by not having the sticks straight to start with.
Excellent, thanks... This is what my gut was telling me, but for Van's to put this dimension on the drawing made me wonder. It's not tipped in bad, but I can stand back and tell without a doubt that they are not straight. Straight up they will be.

#90598 Fuselage