
Well Known Member
Anyone know if the lowest tier CH Products grip simply has a PTT switch only? I am looking at grips and only need PTT.. not dropping missiles, bombs, deploying brakes, switching from missiles to guns, or anything fancy like that :)
I emailed Kevin at CH last week but haven't heard anything back..
Only 1 grip AFAIK...

I've only seen the one CH grip. I have one installed and it's great.
You can just wire up the PTT and keep changing your story about what the other buttons do :rolleyes:
You never know, someday you'll want to add those missles and guns...
When I bought mine there were 3 options. The full up model, one with the PTT trigger and the small button underneath, and one with no buttons at all.

CHProducts models

Interesting, when I bought mine (about a year ago) there were three option too. The CS-2 with two buttons on the front, the CS-4 with four buttons (two buttons on the front and two on the top), and the CS-8 with eight buttons (The CS-4 with a 4-way hat switch).

I bought the CS-2 and have been very happy with the build quality of the grip.

I also have one each, really nice units.

They are a lot taller than some other units, in my -10 they are actually hitting the panel right now, however there are no surfaces hooked up, thus no travel stops.

Hopefully I can adjust that out when I do the tail install/travel adjustment.

Otherwise, I will have to modify the control sticks.
ch Stick Grips

On my RV-10 I cut off Van's Stick as low as possible and turned the angle of the CH Stick grips 45 degrees towards the middle of the panel (both stick grips) and this reduced the problem I had initially with the stick grips not allowing me full forward travel of the elevator. You have to drill a different set screw hole on the Van's stick also at the 45 degree angle to lock down the sticks.

I also have one each, really nice units.

They are a lot taller than some other units, in my -10 they are actually hitting the panel right now, however there are no surfaces hooked up, thus no travel stops.

Hopefully I can adjust that out when I do the tail install/travel adjustment.

Otherwise, I will have to modify the control sticks.
not dropping missiles, bombs, deploying brakes, switching from missiles to guns, or a

not dropping missiles, bombs, deploying brakes, switching from missiles to guns, or anything fancy like that

I've been looking at CH grips as well, and traded e-mails with Kevin about them 2-3 weeks ago. I sent a follow-on question last week and have not heard back either, so he may be having server issues or maybe he's out flying his RV on vacation. :)

Kevin was very responsive, and he sent me a sample grip (actually a full CH-8 with wires attached). Gave me a chance to try it out in the hangar, though after the panel interference discussion above, I need to take it back out and double check that before I send it back to him and place an order.

On that issue, anyone know if there is a limit to how much we can cut down the control stick to install the grip?

Back to CH and Kevin...he still has the -2, -4 and -8 as described in the posts above. Before he sent me the sample, I asked him about pics of the front trigger and button, and he said he was going to update the website with a pic of them. In the meantime, just to give you some observations, I'll pass that the grip feels great in either hand, and the trigger rides comfortably under your index finger, yet doesn't seem to be prone to inadvertant pressing. The button under it is small (about 1/8th inch diameter) and somewhat flush to the stick, and doesn't get in the way or feel like it would be prone to mistaken pushing either. I'm thinking about using it for an AP disconnect and the trigger for a PTT. The other buttons are just as they appear on his website.

Along with the sample, Kevin sent me a wiring diagram (all with no shipping charge!). On it, his number is listed as (760) 598-2518, if you want to give him a holler. Seems like a great guy!

Best of luck!

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
Bottom CH Stick Grip Button

I have been flying with the CH Stick Grips for almost 2 years. I originally had the small button under the trigger (PTT) wired to my SL30 as a flip flop switch but due to multiple times that without realizing it the flip flop button was touched and I was transmitting or attemting to transmit on the wrong frequancy I disconnected the small button under the trigger. I really wouldn't want to be in hard IFR with the autopilot engaged and using the PTT trigger to communicate and have the autopilot accidently and unknowingly disengaged.

Just my 2 cents worth.

[PARTIAL QUOTE] just to give you some observations, I'll pass that the grip feels great in either hand, and the trigger rides comfortably under your index finger, yet doesn't seem to be prone to inadvertant pressing. The button under it is small (about 1/8th inch diameter) and somewhat flush to the stick, and doesn't get in the way or feel like it would be prone to mistaken pushing either. I'm thinking about using it for an AP disconnect and the trigger for a PTT.

Best of luck!

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
Yeah, gotta be careful with the small button

I have been flying with the CH Stick Grips for almost 2 years. I originally had the small button under the trigger (PTT) wired to my SL30 as a flip flop switch but due to multiple times that without realizing it the flip flop button was touched and I was transmitting or attemting to transmit on the wrong frequancy I disconnected the small button under the trigger. I really wouldn't want to be in hard IFR with the autopilot engaged and using the PTT trigger to communicate and have the autopilot accidently and unknowingly disengaged.

Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
I use the small button for A/P disconnect - but it also engages the A/P (TruTrak ADI Pilot II). On one of my flights as I was climbing out, I felt some resistance as I started to bank - which got my attention :eek: After about a second, I realized that I was overriding the A/P servo (felt the pulses from the stepper motor), looked down and saw the A/P was on. I obviously had pressed the button and didn't realize it. One more touch of the button and all was well again :cool: I may look into using my Dremel tool to reduce the height of that button...
Great real-use feedback

DGlaeser and dav1111:

That's good feedback on the bottom button from those currently using it while flying with the grip. My assessment was sitting with it in the cockpit, not fully hooked up, so I appreciate the real-world experience!

I do like the grip, but sounds like that little button might be better left unwired, and then use the gray button(s) on top for the AP disc and/or radio flip-flop...will consider that as I plan. Was thinking about using them as smoke on/off and/or video on/off, if I install those systems down the road (don't want to get too crazy with it though!) :) Interesting idea about dremelling the button a bit. Please let us know if it works, and how you do it.

Thanks again for the heads-up!

CH Products

I just talked to Kevin on the phone at CH Products. He told me that the parent company to CH has directed him to stop selling aircraft grips under the CH name. Hence, he is going to continue to sell and support them directly (he didn't indicate what the new name will be). He is constructing a new website, which he will share with VAF, etc. He can currently be reached directly at: (760) 803-6034.

Jon Moore
Boynton Beach, FL
[email protected]
Pilot side 4 button, Co-Pilot has 2 button

I really like the feel of the CH grips and the nice Hand support shelf at the bottom of the grip. Vans originally designed the stick length so that the grip slips over the top, your hand would actually be gripping the top of the stick tube. The CH grip is designed so that the bottom connection plugs into the top of the stick tube. Therefore in order to keep your hand at the same height you have to cut off a considerable amount of the stick tube. When I was done the top of my grip was were the top of the stick use to be. What is nice about the way the CH grip mounts is that it can easily be rotated for best feel.

I wired mine as follows. On the Pilot side the front facing trigger is the PTT, the small button below the trigger is the radio flip/flop, the right button on top is radio memory and the left top button is transponder ident. On the Co-Pilot side I only have the front facing trigger and small button below the trigger, they are wired the same as on the Pilot side.
I hope they remain available. I took this picture at OSH 2006.

They are still available!

I hope they remain available.

I just received two shiny new CH-4 grips today (the middle grip in your photo). Price was the same as shown.

Obligatory arm chair flying and airplane sound effects complete...now to wire these baby's up!

Spoke to Kevin this week (great guy) and told him he was getting some airtime on the forum. He was delighted, and said he has started Aircraft Stick Grips, LLC to market them and is working on a website. Contact number on the invoice is (760) 803-6034, e-mail is [email protected].


Bob Mills
"Rocket" RV-6