Antoine MTA

I'm New Here
Hello VAF.

I started to rivet the last wings skin on my 8 : bottom outboard skin. Wings are QB.

I started riveting like asked in the manual, beginning at the rear spar on the inboard rib and working in an L pattern.
Before riveting the skin to the main spar, I moved to the next bay and I checked everything else still aligns.

And there is the problem, I have an offset between the skin holes common to the main spar. I have installed 100% clecos on this line of holes to see what happen. Clecos are difficult to instal and the skin doesn?t align with the main spar.

The offset is about 1/32. But it?s not possible to put the rivet in the hole. The dimple countersunk skin hole do not match perfectly in the machine countersunk spar hole.

The wings are QB so the spar were already machine countersunk. When I final drill the skins I noticed this little offset, but I didn?t final drill the holes common to the skin and the main spar as the main spar was already machine countersunk. I final drill these skin holes with a reamer after removing the skin from the wing.

Left wing have the same problem but not yet started to rivet.

I've no ideas to fix the problem, what would be your advice to me ? Does anyone encounter same problem or similar with QB Wings ?

Thanks for you help.

Young French RV8 Builder


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Wing skin

I recently completed my slow build wings and had the same issue . After much head scratching & beer drinking. I used several 1500 watt work lights as spot heaters for warming part of the skin to make a drastic but temporary thermal expansion differential. Those none conforming holes fell right in line. Riveted them down wile maintaining heat on the AFT. portion of the skin. The Finished work turned out nice and taunt and not a hint of "oil canning "