
Well Known Member
I searched old threads and didn't really see an answer to my question (possibly not searching the right key words). How much work is there to do on a set of quick build wings?
Here is my dilemma. It has taken me roughly six months to build my emp kit because of time constraints with work so I have pretty much decided to go QB from here on out. Put aside the looming kit price increase and the extra shipping costs. Knowing that it took me 6 months to build my emp, is there enough work to do on the wings to justify ordering only the wings now and the fus later?
No, there isn't. The amount of work left to do on the QB wings is miniscule, much less than building the emp. So I'd order the fuse as well if I were you. The QB fuse leaves quite a bit for you to do. At the pace you're going, it could keep you busy for a year or more. So you can take that into consideration in deciding whether you want to also order the finish kit at this point, or hold off until you need it.
I agree! Lll you need to do is:

Run any wires /tubes for pitot/lights whatever.
Mount flap brace and hinge. Install flap.
Fabricate aileron hinges and mount. Install aileron.
Cut aileron pushrods to length, install and adjust length.
Rivet on bottom skin (careful about sequence!)
Attach tip by chosen method (I riveted and faired the join with crows foot cloth epoxy and microballoons).
Store in safe place while you work on fuselage.

If I was doing it now it would easily be done within a week.

Hope that helps.

work hours - QB wings

My log shows a grand total of 230 hrs in my QB wings. That includes all conduit, wiring, wingtip installations, landing lites, skin riveting, aileron/flap installations, electrical testing, wingtip antennae, etc. (does not include final wing installation on the fuse.) Also take into account I am a slow builder. (No wisecracks, please. :eek:)
Exactly the kind of info I was looking for.
I was reading the build manual wing section and the stuff that I found that looked like I would do as a quick builder seemed so small I thought I wasn't reading it right. Turns out my estimation was about right.
Install services, install flight controls, close up and store.

Thanks for the info.
Agree with the above. I finished my -10 QB wings in under 200 hours. The other thing to consider is how much storage space you have. If you are tight on space, you might consider doing the wings last so that they are not sitting around for months, getting in the way.

Jim Berry