
Well Known Member
So I'm getting ready for the initial mating of my wings to my QB fuse. Here's a couple of helpful numbers.
1. wing tip is approximately 6.125" higher than fuselage bottom
2. wing inboard needs to be ~.375" higher than fuse bottom
3. minimum distance needed to mate wings is 24'. Prior to spars inserted into fuse, my wing tip to wing tip is ~23'.
4. RV-7 fuse length motor mount to tailwheel is ~18'.



reading build logs reminded me to locate the fairing attach holes.

What to do about this universal rivet installed at the QB factory...My floors are already riveted in place, so do I counter sink this and install a cherrymax or notch the rear spar to clear???


Milestone weekend coming up....wing mating AND wife's college graduation....gonna be a big party.:D
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That rivet might clear

It's been a year or so since my wings were on, but I remember worrying about that rivet. It cleared the rear spar in my case- barely, I want to say. Both sides.
MY rivet will clear now, as I drilled it out today and will install a cherrymax. I didn't want to fight it later.

My plan to slide the wings in this weekend went out the window, when my young helper Austin dropped in tonight and was inspecting my work. He said "if we're ever gonna fly this thing we better get the wings on it". SO... wings are now pinned in place. Thanks Grandson!

here's Austin giving instruction. "keep pushin...almost in....stop"

installing the pins, it was my turn to bark the orders. "up and little more....yep right there".
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