mike newall

Well Known Member
Anyone else noticed the urgent reminder in the new paperwork from Vans about the 'temporary' arrangement of attach screws and bolts on the 'Z' brackets on the fuel tanks when supplied as a QB wing ?

I certainly remember putting all the screws into the fuel tank but can't remember sticking my hand up the inspection panels under the wings :eek:

I will report back when it warms up above freezing and it is possible to work on our airplane.
Old issue

Van's first posted this notice May 19, 2000. You can view the letter and all other letters, service bulletins and revisions on the Van's web site.

I went over my QB, delivered in 2007, with a torque wrench in hand and found no loose fasteners including the tank attach bolts.
Loose QB tank bolts

When I checked mine, I found at least 2 bolts on each side not fully tight. So yes, they need to be checked!!
Hence my question...

We didn't get this heads up on our 7 which arrived 6 years ago, however we got it on my 8 which is due in January.