
Well Known Member
Hi, all... on one of my QB wings, the outboard bottom skin holes are badly misaligned. The rear spar and ribs cleco on just fine, but then the skin holes for the main spar are at least 1/32" or 3/64" too far aft.

I asked Van's about it, and their suggestion was to start cleocing somewhere else. If I cleco the main spar first, it basically just splits the difference--the main and rear spar holes are then both out of alignment.

Anyone seen this? The other wing is perfect.


Start in the middle and work out. It's amazing how much things move aroundand how just the cleco pattern will affect how it all aligns. Don
Thanks, but regardless of where I start clecoing, I have the same problem. I went ahead and started riveting, and sure enough I have oil canning on these wing panels. There's simply more skin than space between the main and rear spars. Not sure what to think about the oil canning--since it's on the bottom of the wing, I couldn't care less what it looks like. I don't, however, want "popping" in flight, which I figure might be noticeable and could fatigue the wing structure.

Really aggravating, since the skin on the other wing appears to align perfectly. I'll ask Van's on Monday about the oil canning issue specifically.

Sometimes there is a bit of a twist in the wing causing skin misalignment. Twisting and starting in the middle is sound advice. It's best never to start riveting until at least every other hole has a clecoe in it. Wing skins are somewhat different as you need to roll back the skin in order to get in and rivet. But you should have had the skin clecoed in place to drill the holes to final size. Best to clecoe every other hole, drill, then move the clecoes, finish drilling, then remove the skin for cleanup and dimpling.
