Probably a dumb question to ask- Does purchasing a qb kit affect the ability to do 90% of the work for the planes aircraft inspection on legal terms/paper?

Basically is it a must to build 100% of the plane with my own hands in order to legally do the annuals or is qb justified as well. I think it's stated experimental means owner did mire than 51% of work.
I have no idea where the 90% number came from. For certification, 51% of the aircraft has to have been built by amateurs. To get a limited repairman?s certificate, you have to have been listed on the aircraft?s certification paperwork as the original builder or one of the original builders, and satisfy the faa that you have adequate knowledge.
To be eligible to receive a E_AB Repairmans certificate, an individual has to be the primary builder of an aircraft that was certificated as an E-AB aircraft.

To get issued an E-AB airworthiness certificate, and aircraft has to meet the requirements stipulated by the FAA. The primary one being that the major portion (note that nothing ever says 51%, but that number is often used to describe major portion) was built for the education and recreation of the people involved.

So, as long as an aircraft is certifiable as an E-AB, someone is eligible to receive a repairmans certificate for it.

All of the RV kits (including the Quick Build option) have been evaluated by the FAA and are listed on their pre-approved to meet the "major portion requirements rule" lists. This is assuming you build the kit as supplied, without any contracted/paid help. If you do, then the finished airplane would be evaluated individually using a checklist to see if it conforms with the requirement.
The real difference is how quickly one kit drains your bank account over the other. It really has nothing to do with how quickly the aircraft is completed.

There are QB's that have taken over 10 years to complete and Slow Build's that have been completed within two years.

it all depends on how much time you put in to it.