
My -8 QB arrives in April. I'm trying to arrange my garage workshop and need the length/width dimensions of the QB fuselage and length of the QB wings...thanks!
Here is what I have

My -8 QB arrives in April. I'm trying to arrange my garage workshop and need the length/width dimensions of the QB fuselage and length of the QB wings...thanks!

I have the QB 8A in my garage so I did a quick measurement.

Length 15' 4"-6" (eyeballed from measure tape on the floor)
Width 52" (this includes the wood false spar) the actual width of the fuse is like 34". I bolted a 2x4s to the wood spar and put wheels on the bottom and the tail sits on a pad on a bucket on a caster wheeled planter base. I bungee the tail to the bucket. This way I can move it around with ease. I will have to do something stronger when I actually start work on the thing. I am still on the tail and about to start the QB wings.

Let me know if you want any other measurements. Mine is in one half of a two car garage, but mine is deeper than your typical garage.
thanks for the reply...I kinda thought it was close to 16' since Van's says the shipping crate is about that long.
To build....

I know you can't change your gaurage,,,,

You need a 12'x24' space to be comfortable building. ...more wide to fit the wings, You can build in less. I have done it in 10x 20, more than once.
Get make it 12 x 26 if you can ...
I use a 20x20 now and it is not right. too wide and too short...but its built 28 RVs....
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