
I'm New Here
So I have been retired for 5 years now, which went by in a blink of an eye, and now I am seriously thinking about building a QB 9A. My goal is to complete it in 3 years since it will be my primary job, other than honeydo's, lawn mowing, and such. When I look at Van's lead times the Empennage/Tail is 4 months, which is okay because that would give me time to get the shop cleaned and together, acquire tools and do another practice kit, I already took the EAA sheetmetal class. The wing and fuselage QB kits are both 12 month and the finishing kit is 5 months lead times. A Thunderbolt engine is 8-12 months.

Let just say that these lead times are close to being accurate, what I am thinking is to order the Empennage/Tail and the wing kit together and that way I would have 8 months to complete the tail which should be plenty of time. At what point do you think the fuselage, finishing and engine should be ordered to try to balance not having kits sitting around in the way but also not having dead time in the build.
I went QB for my 9A and was gently counseled by Vans to get a good start on the empennage before ordering the rest of the kit. Just to make sure you enjoy building before making a large down payment. My empennage took a year working full time and traveling for business about 50%. I think I averaged 6 hours a week on it.

I ordered the wings and fuselage at the same time and it will save you a ton on freight if you have them shipped together. By the time they arrive you’ll have an understanding of how fast you work. I’m guessing you’ll want to order finish kit and engine around the time the wings and fuse arrive.
I have a -9 empennage for sale. I also have the wings that are about 90% of quick build stage. AND, I'm only in OKC. Give me a call, or text, if you're interested.:)
(405) 417-6077c

I agree with Scott. Order both the wings and fuse QB kits to save shipping and time. The wait is up to a year now. Ughh.
So I have been retired for 5 years now, which went by in a blink of an eye, and now I am seriously thinking about building a QB 9A. My goal is to complete it in 3 years since it will be my primary job, other than honeydo's, lawn mowing, and such. When I look at Van's lead times the Empennage/Tail is 4 months, which is okay because that would give me time to get the shop cleaned and together, acquire tools and do another practice kit, I already took the EAA sheetmetal class. The wing and fuselage QB kits are both 12 month and the finishing kit is 5 months lead times. A Thunderbolt engine is 8-12 months.

Let just say that these lead times are close to being accurate, what I am thinking is to order the Empennage/Tail and the wing kit together and that way I would have 8 months to complete the tail which should be plenty of time. At what point do you think the fuselage, finishing and engine should be ordered to try to balance not having kits sitting around in the way but also not having dead time in the build.

I think I would shorten your estimates if doing this full time. I built my 10, pretty much 7 days a week (also retired) and I finished in 1.5 years and that included an engine overhaul and complete paint, plus making a lot of custom parts. 3 years seems way too long for a full time, dedicated build. I had build an RV before, but that doesn't account for a 50% reduction and a 9 should be faster than a 10. This was a QB build and I didn't build the Emp, though I am sure that is way less work than painting and prep.

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I think I would shorten your estimates if doing this full time. I built my 10, pretty much 7 days a week (also retired) and I finished in 1.5 years and that included an engine overhaul and complete paint, plus making a lot of custom parts. 3 years seems way too long for a full time, dedicated build. I had build an RV before, but that doesn't account for a 50% reduction and a 9 should be faster than a 10. This was a QB build and I didn't build the Emp, though I am sure that is way less work than painting and prep.


The -10 is way easier to build than the -9, because the instructions/build manual is SO much better. I know, I've built both of them.
I also have a -9 empanage and wings I’d be willing to sell. I’m only 3 hours from Bastrop.