The crated weights are posted on Van's website. My fuselage at "QB" stage was heavy enough to be a job for two to lift/move it (mostly we "transferred" from one surface to another). Hard to accurately guess at the weight but I'd put it between 150 and 200 lbs maybe.
Thx Turner. I live close to Vans and therefore am foregoing the crate. I have to use a uhaul and Vans will help me load it. My concern was when I get it home.
To be safe I'd plan on three "normal" or two "strong/young" people (guys) to move it - if I had it to do again I'd have a third person: it was tricky even just moving it up from a lower platform to a larger/higher table.
EZ, I just got my QB fuse. It is BIG. And Heavy!
You can probably carry it a short distance with at least 3 ADULT males, but a rolling cart would be the ticket. You will need one anyway, so build it.