Anyone with a QB Fuselage Kit, care to chime in on primering the interior? Yes, no??
I understand the QB Kit has been covered P60G2, is this enough?

Anyone with a QB Fuselage Kit, care to chime in on primering the interior? Yes, no??
I understand the QB Kit has been covered P60G2, is this enough?

Ask Van's. They have a test sample that's been outside for over 15 years showing no sign of corrosion.
My 2010 QB was showing signs of corrosion under the Van's wash primer after about 12 months. The corrosion was only in certain places on the inside of the bottom skins, so it may have been a prep issue. I have epoxy primed it since, it only took a few hours of prep and its easy with the bare fuselage as delivered - flip it upside down, give it a good clean inside and out (it'll probably have a thin film of oily protectant on the outside of the fuse) and squirt some primer around inside. You can do this before doing any fuselage work, and touch it up later as required. Epoxy based primers are super tough.
The P6OG2 is a great base for an epoxy primer - it adheres very well.
Cheers :)
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