
I'm New Here
If u had to choose one of the kits to buy as a qb which would it be? I'm Doing the emphanage and either wing kit or fuselage kit. Which ever I don't do completely I am ordering qb. Thanks for help.
Don't know if it's still that way, but if you order the qb fuse you had to order the wings at tje same time (wing ctr section is the start of the fuselage).

Wings are repetitive, but you get better with practice.
Get both!

If it were me, I'd save up and get both. I'm building a slow build RV-7 and at the time I ordered there was a six month backlog on QB kits, so I thought if I ordered a standard build and worked full time on it, I'd be at quick build stage within 6 months. How wrong I was. I'm a little slow, and OCD about things, so it took almost 12. Those QB kits are the best value for money you will ever find in in life, so if you want to get this thing flying years earlier, save up for a few more months and get a QB. I really think they understate how much time it saves for a first time builder. That said, if you're building purely for the sake of building, then sure, go the slow build, but I suspect that given you have asked the question, you probably are pretty keen to get this thing flying sooner than later. The upside to doing the slow build is that you can make more modifications if you so choose such as delux fuel caps, choose your own primer and a few mods in the fuselage. You will also develop far better metal working skills, but this all comes with a significant time cost.
Good luck.
Fuse for sure

If you can't spring for both, my vote is for the QB fuselage. Even more so if you plan on doing anything beyond the basic wings like adding leading edge lights, flop tubes (with relocated fuel level senders), ER tanks, larger conduit holes in ribs, deluxe locking fuel caps, etc. They are much easier to do during a slow-build than modify a QB wing (they're doable, just time consuming with some tight work areas). All mods aside, I'd still opt for the QB fuselage and slow-build the wings if I had to chose only one.
During a demo flight at the factory, I was advised that if I wanted one
of each it was better to slow build the wings. I took that advice and am
now sure it was valid.
I'm a vote the other way. Legacy build the fuselage and quick build the wings. That's how I did it and I would do it again. If you do the fuselage first, you just order the wing spar box kit with it and today's machining is so good that you don't need the spar parts to be match drilled. Mine aligned perfectly.
IMO, the fuselage is the most enjoyable and rewarding to build. I did sound proofing and A/C so QB would have been a waste. Also I Powdercoated interior parts that I couldn't have if they were QB.

The wing kit, on the other hand, is repetitive and rather boring. The QB wing is still open enough to run whatever you need to.
The wings are simple and go together quickly. Its just a lot of countersinking, dimpling and riveting.

The fuselage has many more parts and requires some part fabrication. It takes longer to build, so given that the quickbuild price is the same, your money is better spend on a quick build fuselage.
Check the for sale daily if able, I found QB wings for the price of a SB kit, no tanks or mess, did the SB fuse, was able to customize and paint inside as I went.
Not having to do the tanks, would be the deciding factor for me.

Plus the wings were very much of the same, the fuselage kit has been funnier so far.

I went this way - wings seemed like repeating the same process over and over, plus the tanks. I'm doing SB fuse now, QB wings on order.
Just Pulled the trigger...

.....on my second -8. My plan is the QB wings (ordered) and SB fuselage. The thought for myself, besides all earlier posts, is the the 5-7 month lead time for the QB kit. (depends on who you talk to on how long). With that in mind, I can build the plane and if the wings are delayed...then "so what". There will be plenty to do before the wings arrive and it won't slow me down. On top of that, the fuselage looks to be a lot more fun and well as affording the opportunity for more "originality" while assembly. they said in the movie Independence Day..."I'm Baaack!"
For what it's worth, I had to make same choice. Originally ordered QB wings AND fuse, but with lead time so long, chose to cancel one to avoid "down time" with nothing to build. I chose to cancel the QB fuse and keep the QB wings. My reasoning:
1. wings have a lot of repetitive drilling and dimpling (this is the boring part for me)
2. Didn't want to mess with tank sealant
3. Wanted to add insulation on fuse that's is made MUCH harder if you try to add to QB version.
4. Read some builders posts that said the fuse was the most enjoyable part of the build. Once builder said "feels like you are building a plane with every new part you assemble."

At the end of the day, there is no right or wrong answer, just giving you my personal reasoning. Good luck!!
SB wings, QB fuse if building solo

I did SB wings and was able to hit all but 23 rivets in the skins solo. After looking at a local -6 builders fuse, I decided solo wasn't going to work. QB worked for me.
I went with SB for wings (RV-7A) both to save some $$$ and to go with capacitive fuel level sensors. Debating the QB fuse. Are there key things you lose in terms of customizability with the QB fuse?
I've just wrapped up a -7 standard build wings and fuse, and for the fuselage, I can't think of a lot of limitations apart from your choice of primer. Everything else should be possible, but may just be that bit harder. I made a titanium belly sheet with fiberfrax insulation, and I can imagine that would be a lot more difficult/time consuming to do with flush rivets at the QB stage, but this is a nice to have and not a must have (depending on your perspective of course). I really can't think of any other mods, apart from additional (unnecessary?) inspection panels etc that people may think of adding that would be impacted.