
Well Known Member
I am just about finished setting up my shop. I would like to be sure I have left enough room in the work area for the QB fuse. Could someone supply me with the length of the fuse from firewall back both with and without the empennage


Greg Piney
Setting up Shop
Tools purchased.
work space?

I work in a 20' x20' shop, it needs to be 25x 28, to fit wings,
the sander, dril press, buffer, are in another room.
The fuse is 182" long, with the Rudder it is 202" long. The over all length is 21 Ft
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I went out and spent about 1 minute measuring when I saw your post. I just got my QB wing and fuse kit last week. Measured from the side, the fuselage is about 15' 3" firewall to end. The rudder and the vs are around 4' added together at each sub kits' thickest parts (have not mounted them to each other or the fueslage yet). Obviously the total length once mounted will be less than 20'. Hope this helps, and hope my addition is accurate.
23' x 23'

I built my RV-7 QB entirely in a 23' x 23' double garage.
The complete kit fitted in, including the engine in it's crate, plus benches the length of one wall.
I did put the canopy inside on the billiard table for protection.
I added a 12' x 8' paint shop to the garage. Glad I did because everthing in there is all colours of the rainbow now and if not covered in sanded GFP powder.
I put the wings on by sticking one out the rool-a-door and then removed them.
To fit the engine I had to place the fuse diagonally.
Ooh! It's now at the painters.