Well Known Member
There is a ~0.090" gap between the WD 409 (tail wheel weldment) and the aft most bulkhead assembly F-812-1. I've queried Van's but I'd like to also ask the Forum as to what to do. See the pic below. My inclination is to put a shim in the gap and march on. What so you folks?
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shim is good

If it is already fixed in place by other constraints and can not be simply shifted aft to close the gap then, YES, make a shim that will be a tight fit between the parts and rivet or bolt through the assembly. Tell us more about why it can not simply be shifted aft to make contact? -- Ah, I think I see -- it is riveted to the next forward bulkhead, so the gap is the result of the two bulkheads being slighly farther apart than the weldment expected? Yeah, a shim will work well.
thanks guys

Thank you for the comments. The Weldment is already fixed in place with a gap is not linear from the lowest hole to the top (roughly 0.030" at the bottom expanding to 0.090 at the top). I installed the shims and our local IA and fellow builder gave it the OK.
I wonder about this issue since it is a QB where everything is computer guided/punched/jigged etc. Is mine an anomoly or are there a bunch out there that have been overlooked?????
Same here...


Mine was the same way, I build a shim and moved on. My gap was nearly identical to yours. I am less and less happy with my choice to go QB each day! I wonder if this is an issue on the standard kits ?
The QB's are nothign but a pre-punched kit that has been assembled for you (to a certain point), so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a CAD issue with the newer -8 kit that would affect both Slow and Quick Builts.

Put the bolts in and tighten to standard torque and it goes away - noticed that, tried the simple method - moving on to other QB mistakes :rolleyes: