
Well Known Member
I have the QB 8A coming the first of feb and I would like to know and see what others have used as a cradle for the fuse ie. sawhorses, stands etc... Pics and or dimensions would be very helpful.
QB 8A coming the first of feb and I would like to know and see what others have used as a cradle for the fuse ie. sawhorses, stands etc.

This is really, really simple. The QB fuse comes with the wooden "false spars" already installed. They are used to secure the fuse to the crate sides.

Take two pieces of two-by-four and attach one vertically to each side. I used hardware store bolts through pre-drilled holes in the false spar. I placed the flat side of the 2x4 against the front of the spar, and drilled the holes so that the lower ends extended maybe 3-4 inches below the fuse floor. The outboard edge of the 2x4 was flush with the outboard edge of the spar. The tops of the vertical pieces were level, and extended several inches above the highest point of the turtledeck

It was probably overkill, but I ran two more pieces of 2x4 across the bottom horizontally with the vertical post sandwiched between (screws and glue). I attached some cheap coaster wheels from Harbor Freight and could easily move the whole thing around as needed.

Since I had an -8, I installed the tailwheel immediately, and the whole fuse stayed like that for a couple of years. Since you have an -8A, you're on your own for the aft fuse, but I can't imagine it being to difficult to cobble together a third leg of some sort.

With my large "U" shaped apparatus, I could easily turn the fuselage over on it's side if that were more convenient. This was easy to do by myself, and I'm not very large. Make sure to get your tools out first though, especially any bucking bars :( It also works fine upside down, and you can support the aft "deck" with a stool.

Hope this helps. I know at least two other builders (one an 8A) who saw this and copied it.

James Freeman
I did what flyeyes did with his QB with the addition of a pair of castors on the "U" and another casotor on the tail. I am very space restricted and this allowed me to move the whole thing around very easily.