
Well Known Member
Ciao to everybody !

I'm match drilling my bottom wings skin. At the main spar there are a beautiful green painted countersink rivet holes.Do I have to match drill the skin through these holes in the main spar #40, or with #41 is better, or there is a particular action to do ?

...... Arghhhh

I match drilled my QB wings with #40. I also had to re-countersink a number of the "pretty green holes" because many weren't deep enough to fully accept the skin dimples.
Ciao, Luca.

I disregarded match drilling such holes. Your thread makes me think if I did the right choice...
Ciao, Luca.

I disregarded match drilling such holes. Your thread makes me think if I did the right choice...

I didn't match drill the holes along the spar in my QB. I think you are likely to do more damage than good by redrilling the countersunk holes. I figure if the rivet fits and the prepunched skin holes match up there is no need to. I was also concerned about introducing stress risers on the spar.

This is just my feeling. I'm no expert.
Wing Spar countersinks

Keep in mind, these countersinks have to be deep enough to allow the dimpled skin to fit flush. It takes a deeper hole than what it takes for just a rivet head to fit flush.... otherwise the skin will not fit properly. Trial fit a scrap piece of the same thickness as the skin, that you have dimpled to make sure the countersink is the correct depth.