
Well Known Member
Page 6 of Section 9 (Finishing Kit), regarding the tip up canopy, says
The goal is to get the canopy to fit nicely?contacts the F-632A approx. 1.5" forward of the F-606 bulkhead.
I can't find F-606 or F-632A in the -9 plans and think it's a reference to the -6 model? Seems it's referring to the F-732 channel and F-706 bulkhead in the -9 model. Anybody else figure this out? Want to make sure before I make an expensive assumption.
On a six, F-632A is the support channel form the roll bar to the cargo bulkhead. The cargo bulkhead is F-606.

They are talking about the back window.
Same question

I saw the the same thing and assumed it must be a cut and paste error from a RV6 or RV7 manual. I even looked over the RV-9 slider section of the manual but that didn't provide any insight either. I'm placing stock on the last sentence that says the windscreen final position should be approximately 1.5" aft of the forward edge of the C702 skin. Next time I call Vans I'll pose that question to get the offical answer.