
Well Known Member
Putting off aft fuselage until after wings?

I may be getting my wing kit at just about the time I've finished my (RV-14) tail feathers. This leaves me the option of holding off on the rear fusealge (Chapter 10 and beyond) until I've finished the wings. It seems like a good idea to me, considering my space and storage situation.

Is there a good reason why one shouldn't put off the rear fuselage until after the wings?
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I'll likely be doing the same thing with my build. The tailcone takes up so much space it's hard to justify building so early.

...but my wing kit might be so late that I can't resist building the tailcone...
This is my plan

Currently living in a rental with little space. Completed tail feathers and now working on the tanks, will do flaps and ailerons after. By then should have finished building the new house and have a lot more room.

From reading the really old RV-14 threads on here it seems like the wings were the first kit offered. May be wrong on that but can see any harm in working on wings next. Just need storage space of the aft fuse parts.