
Well Known Member
Hello everyone,

I am new here and looking build a plane. So far, I have narrow down to a few. I have a question about RVs in general. Do they use cables or push rod for the control surfaces? For some reason, I am scare of cables.


Hello everyone,

I am new here and looking build a plane. So far, I have narrow down to a few. I have a question about RVs in general. Do they use cables or push rod for the control surfaces? For some reason, I am scare of cables.


Why are you scare of cables? They are very reliable. Last a long time, too. As with anything, it is the design that matters. RV's are extremely well designed. Do not fear. :)
Why are you scare of cables? They are very reliable. Last a long time, too. As with anything, it is the design that matters. RV's are extremely well designed. Do not fear. :)

Correct me if I am wrong. Don't cables need constant adjustments? I've never work on an aircraft before.
No, not really. By the way, what have you been flying to this point? Most light GA aircraft use cables somewhere in their flight control systems.
OK. Cables are a non-issue so I don't think you need to be concerned. For example, Cessna's all use cables for everything -- ailerons, elevators, and rudder. As far as building goes, working with cables is pretty far down the list of things that give people fits.