
Yes, they wear out. Sometimes you can fix it with some safety wire if it is NOT for a critical application, like the mixture.
But it's easiest to just replace.

English grammar can count sometimes

Did you mean to have that last comma there?
I think the mixture is critical (no comma).
It is actually for the alternate air cable, so it would be strange for it to wear out since it's not really used. However, it is critical since it needs to stay closed, and right now, it won't.

I have the same cable for the cabin heat, which i constantly use, which are fine. I think the alt air cable must have failed somehow or was defective.

Oh well, i think ordering a new cable is probably easier in the long run.

In conclusion, i finally got around to it. There is a small spring around the cable housing which is supposed to hold tension in the cable grooves. The spring seems to have lost its strength somehow and won't hold enough tension in the groove, allowing the cable to slide past.

My solution was to run a tie-warp inside the spring. Increasing the diameter of the spring puts more load on the spring which seems to have been enough to hold the groove again.

That's it. Thanks for the help.
