Hmm......226 views and not even an off hand comment....? Guess I'm way outside the box on this one.:confused:
You are up

Maniago, It appears that it is up to you to buy one and report back to the rest of us.
I had one

I bought a Purple Royal a year ago and used it on an office chair. What comes to mind -
Heavy (about 6 pounds)
somewhat slippery

I'm 6'1". The only reason I stopped using it after about a month is that it makes you sit what feels like much higher although it's only 1.5 inches or so which wasn't comfortable for me although my butt was comfortable. My office chair wouldn't go any lower and I can't raise my desk.

I gave it away. the person I gave it to loves it.

Buy it, try it, if you don't like it then return it.