
Active Member
I just purchased an RV-8. Anyone know exactly what paperwork is needed to transfer ownership? Also, does anyone have a sample Bill of Sale?


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Probably the easiest transaction ever. I can?t believe the government can operate so efficiently but this remains a gem.

IF the aircraft has a 406 ELT, you will also need to update the registration for it.
Be sure the owner signs the registration and surrenders it to the FAA

I have heard where the failure of the FAA to receive the surrendered registration has delayed transfer.

When I bought my -6A, I had the owner sign the registration, but I sent it to the FAA to make sure they got it.

I'm not going to comment on how to register it as "yours" because I want it to be mine :). Kidding aside, that's a really nice plane. Never even saw it hit the market. Must of been an insider deal :rolleyes:;)

Thanks Mike. Amir, the plane was built by a friend of mine, John Ratliff. He also built the 100th RV-12, and there?s an article about it on the Van?s website.

While my dad is responsible for introducing me to aviation as a child, a chance meeting with John is why I am a pilot today. He gave me a ride in an RV back in 2010, and reignited my passion for flying.

John passed away suddenly from a heart attack a couple of years ago. His wife called me and told me he would have wanted me to have his plane. I wasn?t in the market, but she offered me a deal I couldn?t refuse. I am honored she chose me to be the next owner of this beautiful plane.

Craig A. Wilkins