
Well Known Member
I decided to install nav/strobe/position lights on the outboard in the traditional position; no light coves, no rudder position light.

Is there an established method for locating those lights to meet FAR visibility requirements? (Hoping someone can tell me "x inches aft of leading edge" or something similar.)

See the light...

As you know, more than one way to skin a cat, especially exterior lights.
Here is the link to the FAA regs Whelen posts on their site.

https://www.whelen.com/pb/Aviation/System Requirements/Anit-Collision Systems.pdf

With no tail strobe or light, you need to mount your tip lights to have the rear quarters covered as depicted. This is definitely a grey area as I have seen just about every iteration you can imagine over the years.
Suffice to say, if the DAR inspector has an issue when he inspects your -7, he will tell you. The lights should be mounted mid-span just below the edge tip on the W-415's. I can't give dimensions, but there are many examples flying and on the web, here are a few...

U Da man!!
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Something like this is typical. At one time there were fiberglass mouldings available that you could bond to the tips. Stolen pic off the internet.


If the base is vertical, and the light source is not shielded in an upwards direction due to the mount being to far downwards on the tip, you should meet the regulations.
As you know, more than one way to skin a cat, especially exterior lights.
Here is the link to the FAA regs Whelen posts on their site.

https://www.whelen.com/pb/Aviation/System Requirements/Anit-Collision Systems.pdf

With no tail strobe or light, you need to mount your tip lights to have the rear quarters covered as depicted. This is definitely a grey area as I have seen just about every iteration you can imagine over the years.
Suffice to say, if the DAR inspector has an issue when he inspects your -7, he will tell you. The lights should be mounted mid-span just below the edge tip on the W-415's. I can't give dimensions, but there are many examples flying and on the web, here are a few...

U Da man!!

Thanks Smokey!

...If the base is vertical, and the light source is not shielded in an upwards direction due to the mount being to far downwards on the tip, you should meet the regulations.

Thanks az_gila

! I was looking at the Horner style tips on some of the low wing Pipers. Lacking any specific measurement, I think I'll just try to emulate those. I'll have to fab up the fairing from scratch. Can't seem to find the already made ones like Van's used to sell.
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