Congrats, I just placed my wings order, so hang in there with the rest of us.
Wiring diagram

It’s never to early to start thinking about making yourself a wiring diagram. Might want to read ‘The Aeroelectric Connection’ or a similar book as well.


I had no mechanical skills when I started. I now have a VERY LIMITED few. I have picked up a few hints along the way. has many (typically short) videos called Hints for Homebuilders rich in content. You have to be a member of EAA to access some, others are free. (I recommend joining anyway.)

I'd like to encourage you to watch the following videos.

Jack Dueck made a video on riveting. You might not need it, but it's short. I found his advice near the beginning to drive 20, and only 20 rivets per day for 10 days to be immensely useful. (In another video I can't recall, he had a reasoned discussion for no more than 20 per day because of diminishing returns.)

This next video is on fluting. It presents a simple, elegant way to flute with certainty by Brady Lane.

I am building a -10 which shares many components with a -14. The following tools have made a dramatic difference in our work.

Hand held back rivet bucking bar.

Back rivet set, long.

I'd be surprised if these tools, or similar are not available elsewhere, but Cleaveland is a huge supporter of our hobby and we need these small businesses to thrive.

Many other builders may disagree with the ideas we've presented here, believing there are more important tools and tips available. I would not discount what they recommend. These (and others I dont currently recall) have had a real impact on us. I thought you should at least be aware of them.

Best of luck!
I really wish I had ordered all my kits at the same time. I spent a year in the garage with no work and nothing to do because of COVID. I would have a finished airplane now.