
Let me introduce myself first of all, my name is Chris. I live in Indiana in a small town called Graysville. I am currently training to be a pilot in a 1946 Aeronca Champ. I have fallen in love with all things aviation! I have restored tractors, trucks, tools, vises, welders, and probably many other things I have since forgotten. I think I am gonna love building the RV-14A. I got online today and ordered the entire kit since it appears the sub kits will be arriving at different times I did not see the need to manually space the orders. I intend to order the engine in a month so as to break up the down payment cost for me. I am 52yrs old and retired from federal service. I intend to work full time on the build so I'm hopeful to finish it sooner than most. The lead times concern me as it appears like I'll be waiting close to 18mos for the IO-390-EXP. I have been reading some of your post and I believe they'll be very helpful. Please let me know if there is a post you recommend. I have a YouTube channel (M7 Metal Works) and will likely try to include a lot of the build footage on my channel.
Welcome! I gotta ask.. I see on your YouTube channel, you are flying a Champ.. why build the 14a when you could build the better Tailwheel version? They are very easy to fly as a tailwheel, plus you have that grass strip.. seems like a no brainer! Either way, welcome!
Good question. I would love to build the tailwheel version of the 14 but insurance is higher and resale can be more difficult with fewer tailwheel pilots out there. If someone were interested, I may look to sell this first plane shortly after the build to help fund the very next plane so I definitely want to keep my options open. But yeah I'm with you, the 14 is super cool! I have a daughter living 9.5hrs away and I'd love a little cross country plane to make visiting easier. That's the dream......gonna try and make it reality!
Engine Delivery

Whatever you do try to schedule your engine delivery so it arrives maybe only a month before you install it. If I recall correctly Lycoming’s warranty allows one year without use and after one year the clock starts ticking away on your warranty regardless of whether you are running it or not. As I’m sure you already know, it’s not good for your engine to sit without running. Congratulations on your new project. I started on the RV14 wing kit just a month ago. You will love it!

The lead times concern me as it appears like I'll be waiting close to 18mos for the IO-390-EXP.

Welcome to the club. You're on the right track.

Regarding the EXP, I ordered one in May (I think...or just before the raised their price) and I was expecting 18 months. Turns it it got delivered last week.

The issue with waiting longer is that they aren't getting any cheaper. It's already $8k more than when I orderd it.

Vans did say that the warranty doesn't start for two years, or first engine start.
But I didn't see that anywhere in the Lycoming paperwork.

Enjoy the process and you'll have a great airplane and will meet lots of great people along the way.

RV6 2000ish hrs
RV8 in gestation
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Whatever you do try to schedule your engine delivery so it arrives maybe only a month before you install it. If I recall correctly Lycoming’s warranty allows one year without use and after one year the clock starts ticking away on your warranty regardless of whether you are running it or not. As I’m sure you already know, it’s not good for your engine to sit without running. Congratulations on your new project. I started on the RV14 wing kit just a month ago. You will love it!

Check with Lycoming, but you get a two year grace period before 'first run', at which the 2 year warranty starts ticking.