
Well Known Member
I have to replace a couple of rivets on the skin of my right elevator. They were back riveted to the rib halves and I didn't realize that the top of the workbench wasn't solid enough for the task and they didn't set into the dimple properly. They were originally 426AD3-3. I had already replaced one of them but had done a poor job drilling it out so I replaced it with a 426AD4-4. I'll be replacing the 3-3 with an MK319-BS but what should I use to replace the 4-4? CS-4?
The MK319 BS is a size between the -3 and -4 rivets. I have seen them used in -4 holes with good results so If the hole is not oversized beyond that maybe ok. Try it on a sample and see. The 319 seems to fill a 1/8 inch hole ok from what I'v seen.
The MK319 BS is a size between the -3 and -4 rivets. I have seen them used in -4 holes with good results so If the hole is not oversized beyond that maybe ok. Try it on a sample and see. The 319 seems to fill a 1/8 inch hole ok from what I'v seen.

The ideal hole size for an MK319 is #34, so a #30 hole from a 426AD4 rivet is too big. If it was dimpled after drilling, or over sized from rivet removal, the situation would be even worse.

A flush Cherry rivet would be a better choice. Depending on the hole location, a CS4-4 might be acceptable.
Scott, it's one of the flush rivets attaching the E-1008 rib halves to the skin installed on page 09-18 or 09-19. Don't remember right now whether it is top or bottom.