Mark Albery

Well Known Member
The Prologue

Some of you here may recall my RV-8 flight from L.A. to the UK in 2013 when my time working on the Tesla Model S finished and I returned home to the UK in my RV-8.
Soon after that happened I got a call to join another automotive start-up in the Bay area which has now grown to be Lucid Motors; going well but still a couple of years from production.
There was no time to arrange getting the RV-8 back, so I made arrangements to get friends to take care of it and keep it in good airworthy condition. That went through a few cycles of partners coming and going and came to a head recently when my current partnership was about to end due to him getting a job offer, also in the US.
Decision time. Do I try to find another partner, sell the RV, pickle it and store it away or bring it back to the US. You've probably already guessed the answer!
I sold the RV-4 that I bought on my return to the US in 2013 (thanks DR for helping with that, there'll be a token of appreciation in my next donation).

Coincidentally, I heard about a plan to fly a group of aircraft from Scotland to the US at just the right time through the prepare2go organisation. They would take care of most of the logistics and arrange extra fuel availability at a couple of places where it's not normally available and use some airports not normally available for international flights.

That now meant that I did not need the auxiliary tank as the longest leg would be 500nm and the longest leg plus diversion under 700NM, so 42 gallons with careful power and mixture setting should work fine.

It also meant I could consider flying with an extra crew member. I first put it to my partner taking care of the aircraft in the UK, Rogier. Despite being in the process of moving jobs to the US, marrying his girlfriend, obtaining visas etc. He finally managed to get it all to work.

Checking out my liferaft and dry-suit, both proved too old (over 30 years_ and didn't pass muster. So I got two top of the range Mustang aircrew dry suits with the highest hypothermia protection and arranged liferaft hire from Far North Aviation at Wick in Scotland.

All's now (nearly) in place with permissions, customs decal, import agents, GPS data bases and charts etc. I fly to the UK this evening, get my UK licence renewed, do the final checks, a few courtesy visits and prepare to fly to the Rendezvous at Wick next Tuesday. Wednesday 21st is the planned start with a flight to Egallstadir in Iceland.

We'll be carrying satellite trackers with live tracking on and you may get some radar tracking on sites like

The other aircraft on the trip will be a Beech 18 (carrying a hot air balloon) and a Saratoga.

I'll try to keep some updates coming as and when we get time and internet connection. The plan is to take our time and take in some interesting flights and sights expecting to arrive at Bangor around 30th June.

This is the planned route to Bangor ME, after that I part company with Rogier in Boston and continue to Hayward CA.

So Vlad, Steve Barnes &co, you have the full story so far. The adventure begins...

Sounds like an awesome adventure. You have a place to lay down north of Nashville, TN if you need. I'll be following and dreaming of such adventures for myself. All the best!
Wow another opportunity to do what others can only dream about, good luck and I look forward to tagging along.

X the pond!

Let me know if you need a place to stay in Milwaukee. We'd love to have you! Good airport at KMWC... Have a wonderful trip.
ah ha

I was waiting this news from a long time :D

I always loved your story from Kitplanes dec 2013 article "Alone across the Atlantic".

I'll follow your trip so I'll dream again.

Hope to shake your hand in Oshkosh.
We're on our way!
Left Enstone near Oxford this morning, had a break at Fishburn near Newcastle and arrived at Wick in the North of Scotland.
The other 2 crews just beat us, 4 in a Saratoga and 3 in a Beech 18. Another in a Europa may arrive soon.
If all is well, we leave for Iceland early tomorrow.
We're on our way!
Left Enstone near Oxford this morning, had a break at Fishburn near Newcastle and arrived at Wick in the North of Scotland.
The other 2 crews just beat us, 4 in a Saratoga and 3 in a Beech 18. Another in a Europa may arrive soon.
If all is well, we leave for Iceland early tomorrow.

Good job lets race Mark! I am at 65N 175E and about to launch eastbound. Who hits the CONUS faster? :D
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We've arrived in Egilsstadir, Iceland. New tracking site is
I'll try to get some pictures when I get the bandwidth
Everyone dry?

We've arrived in Egilsstadir, Iceland. New tracking site is
I'll try to get some pictures when I get the bandwidth

Hoping that all 3 planes have arrived. G BKMG is showing last location 34NM of the coast of Iceland in that cold water. Maybe the tracker battery went dead?

Hoping that all 3 planes have arrived. G BKMG is showing last location 34NM of the coast of Iceland in that cold water. Maybe the tracker battery went dead?


GBKMG is the Beech 18 with Phil and Ali Cunningham, they have a lightweight hot air balloon on board and hoping to increase their world records for ballooning in different countries ( Phil has over 100). This evening's winds may preclude that.
I think they turned the tracker off before their last ping on the ground.

Next stops Isafjordur then Kulusuk in Greenland.
Today has been quite an adventure. Our companions in the Beech 18 got out their lightweight balloon to do the 4th ever balloon flight in Iceland and the first by a female pilot.
We then loaded up and set off for Isafjordur. My co-pilot Rocky was flying this leg and I sat behind. Afrter backtracking the runway we had a call to stop and exit because the wheel was on fire!
We quickly got it extinguished, removed wheel fairings, got new O rings and fluid to repair the brakes. Tyre was damaged, but only on the surface and cords OK no bulges. We managed to get a new tyre sent fron Reykjavik to our destination. Just arrived 30 minutes ago and will be replaced ASAP
Wonderful scenic flight across northern Iceland, with a bit of formation flying with the Saratoga and Beech 18 (Betty the Beech).
You should be able to see some pictures in the link below.

Could you tell what got bound up enough to rub and start a fire? Was it pulling to the left harder than usual when taxiing? Great pictures on Facebook!
Could you tell what got bound up enough to rub and start a fire? Was it pulling to the left harder than usual when taxiing? Great pictures on Facebook!

I was in the back seat. Rocky up front has big feet and suspects he may have been dragging the brakes during the full length back taxy.

Lesson learned, fortunately with little harm.

Hoping for Kilusuk in Greenland today, but currently a 500 overcast here in Isafjordur.
I was in the back seat. Rocky up front has big feet and suspects he may have been dragging the brakes during the full length back taxy.

We've talked about that before. The Smallfeets say it doesn't happen. The Bigfeets say it does ;)

Flew over you yesterday en route Las Vegas. We routed up over Iceland to the east of Eyjafjallaj?kull and towards Akureyri before heading out towards Greenland.

Sort of felt a presence as I spent a long time looking down. Want to visit Akureyri sometime as my dad was stationed there during WW2.

Good luck, looking forward to trip photos.
After backtracking the runway we had a call to stop and exit because the wheel was on fire!
We quickly got it extinguished, removed wheel fairings, got new O rings and fluid to repair the brakes. Tyre was damaged, but only on the surface and cords OK no bulges.

Tell Rogier I have repaired the spats twice...... not again :D
Yes we've got to Greenland. Kulusuk then Narsarsuaq yesterday. Spectacular flight down the coast and over the icecap in company with the Beech 18 and Saratoga. This morning Phil and Ali made Greenland's first ever balloon flight over the runway at Narsarsuaq (all Greenland airports closed on Sunday).

Nuuk tomorrow if the weather holds.

Mike, sorry about ruining all your good work on the wheel spats!

Hopefully this link to pictures will work:
Wheel spats easily replaced

Great Greenland photos. Seen this many times from 35,000 ft, not the same as the view you have. Enjoy your second transatlantic Adventure in 713MB
Now building RV number 5 in basement
Mike Ballard
The hero after the brake fire was the pilot of the Beech 18, John Herbert, who also happens to be an RV-7 builder and owner in his usual home in South Africa.
He was straight in assessing the damage to the tyre and if the carcas was damaged. It was assessed fit for another landing or two and is now replaced.
He also managed to get new O rings and a pump oil can, together with a scrounged rusty but unopened can of 5606g fluid, got the brakes sorted.

I guess being an able bush pilot and aircraft mechanic is a good qualification for a Beech 18 skipper.

You may find some of our journalist companion's photos if you search out Tim Allen and Paula Frohlich.
We've just arrived at Nuuk, Greenland. Tomorrow Sisimiut then Qikiktarjuaq Canada if the weather's good. More photos soon!
Mark, I know you are busy, but your adventure(s) should be documented in a movie and/or a book.
Thanks for sharing.
We skipped Sisimiut and flew direct to Qikiqtarjuaq in Canada over the Cape Dyer station.
Tim and Paula have shot an enormous amount of professional video, so I expect there will be some final production in the future.
Tomorrow's plan is for Iqaluit. Cumberland Sound is the last but one water crossing. I look forward to not flying in a dry suit again!
I'm in Schefferville Quebec now and will be splitting from the rest of the group this morning, who are heading to Montreal.

It's been a fantastic trip so far with great company and a few minor dramas all well resolved.

The only thorn in my side now is that the FAA have not issued my US flight authorisation despite my early and complete application, and not answering phone calls or emails. I may have to stop at Fredericton NB and pursue it from there.
Well, as unfortunate as it may be that you might be caught in a paperwork snarl, your timing to be grounded in Canada is perfect. Tomorrow we celebrate 150 years of Confederation. If you're in Fredericton there will definitely be some good parties there, lots of beer and lobster. Yeah, it's a tough time to be Canadian (if only temporarily so). :)
Back in the USA!
It was actually more complicated leaving Canada than arriving in the USA.
The Canadian officials queried our entry to Canada through Qikiqtarjuaq even though special permission had been obtained.
Arriving at Bangor, CBP made us dispose of a few bits of fresh fruit, but immigration and import paperwork sailed through, and we were told that all aircraft and import paperwork was good and 'welcome to the USA'.
We parted company from our companions for the last 10 days at Schefferville this morning as the Beech 18 and Saratoga headed for Montreal, while we continued south to Sept Iles and then Bangor.
I will part company with my co-pilot Rocky in Boston tomorrow and start heading back to California.

That's all for now!
Stuck in Bangor today with the weather.It looks like it should clear before mid day, so aiming to drop Rocky off in Boston and head west.

Any RV hotels about 500 miles west, maybe Ohio area?
I finally arrived back in Hayward CA yesterday afternoon after a short lunch stop with Paul and Louise at Dayton Valley airpark.

It's been a great trip with several new friends made and many unforgettable experiences.

We had 3 professional and several serious amateur photographers along for the ride so their should be some great photos to share (and maybe even a television programme...)

I'm sorting through my own photos and will post a selection once the sorting and unpacking is finished.

Thanks for sharing the ride with me!
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Congratulations on Trans Atlantic flight

From the previous owner and builder of N 713MB, Congratulations to Mark for an epic flying adventure. I watched for every 15 min ping from the tracker for the entire adventure.
Great photos.
Are you planning a sequel to the sequel?

Mike Ballard
N 165JM
N 55AU...assist
N 713MB
N 844P...assist
N .....MB slow build in basement
Incredible Mark. Great story and it looks like a beautiful place to fly - even with the challenge I am sure it was.
The photos and story line are fantastic! Everyone seems to be smiling in every pic. The landscape is incredible. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful Journey!

Congratulations Mark! What a journey! The photos are so beautiful, makes me want to go again! John Herbert helped me with my RV8 build, he told me about the trip but I wasn't aware there is a RV8 as well.

Very well done! Many congratulations, hope to meet you again in CA soon!