
Well Known Member
My most impressive observation at OSH of Ground OPS.

I have flown my Luscombe to OSH quite a few times, but parked
in the south section along runway 18/36 where ground traffic only
moved between vintage parking and the parallel taxiway.
Ground OPS did a great job there keeping us moving in and out
in a safe manner.

This year I was in homebuilt parking and it was a whole different
ballgame. For those that are not aware, this is an active East/West
taxiway with an intersection that runs trams, buses and golf carts
north and south to the north 40 where all the planes park that are
not old enough to park in the vintage area. To the west is more RV
parking and homebuilt camping with hundreds of homebuilts.
East of this intersection on the south side are more RVs and
on the north side are the warbirds. Demo planes, etc., also access
this taxiway a little farther east.
To keep the taxiway secure, the road and RV parking fence is
opened and closed with ropes anytime a homebuilt or warbird
needs access to the taxiway.

When I left Wednesday and needed access to taxi out, ground
OPS was moving two warbirds, a demo plane, me and three RVs
from the west area-51. They opened my fence, stopped the road
traffic and had assigned everyone with their own minibike escort.
I know there are many more facets to their operation and have
been watching this ballet for five days.
Also remember, they have been doing this every day, all day since
planes started showing up at OSH.

Very impressive,
Thank you, ground OPS!

Tom Webster
You are welcome Tom. I might add that RV pilots are extremely compliant, competent and patient, thank you all, especially when we have to hold you for long periods as happened when we lost runway 27 for two hours yesterday.
