
Well Known Member
After reading that the new Garmin GTR 200 Radio/intercom has the option for a manual PTT on the intercom...

I'm toying with the idea of using a PTT switch instead of VOX for intercom. I got used to this from my early flying days. Gives you a more definitive on/off than VOX, where sometimes you don't quite trigger the mic.

Have many folks done this? I suppose it might be possible to wire them up and decide later.

As I am sure you know, the PTT intercom is great, but can be a problem if PTT switch is on control stick, especially if this is so for passenger.
On helicopter this is overcome by a foot switch.
For what it's worth... the intercom on our Harley touring bike is set up so you can use either VOX or PTT. We tried it both ways. PTT got to be a real hassle when carrying on an extended conversation. I took the time to get the VOX adjusted as good as it's going to get; we both like it that way a lot better.

Different modes of travel, but similar conditions -- two people, noisy environment, long trips.

Maybe I'm lucky, but VOX works so well I have no idea why anyone would want ptt on the intercom. Loud cockpit for sure, but intercoms/audio panels are so good these days, I just don't see this as a problem that needs solving.

For the record, I have a PS Engineering PAR100EX, but before the panel upgrade had a basic PS intercom that worked fine too.

My 0.03 cents (I offer more than Stein's 0.02 cents, because we all know he hungers for our money, as my t-shirt says... and my bank account:eek:)
Hmmm... good points. Maybe place the pilot's PTT switch on the stick and the passenger's between the seats.
I have a -10 with minimal interior, fairly noisy. Intercom always breaks squelch immediately if someone speaks, otherwise is squelched off. PTT isn't needed for the intercom.
ICS cord...

Flew for years with an ICS cord that had a ptt switch that clipped to my survival vest. It wouldn't be hard to wire up one for a GA passenger.

The bigger problem would be sourcing a 3 position trigger switch for the pilot's stick that has a proper detent for ICS. And then, learning not to hot-mike that smart comment about ATC that you meant for only your passenger's ears.
I've installed both ATR500 and TY91 with PTT intercom, each has VOX as well.

What I've done is use a 3 way toggle switch. Centre is "Off", Latchable toggle "On" one way, Spring "On" the other.

95%+ of the time it is left latched On, and use the VOX, which works well. 5% of the time - high speed aeros, taxiing canopy open, it can be switched off and used PTT with the spring On if required.

I've put the PTTs on a sidewall, not a stick / throttle. Enough time instructing formation in a Yak-52 trying to hit a PTT on a moving throttle to talk :eek: In fact, the shortcomings of the Yak system were the basis for the above design. It is easy to fit, works well, albeit is somewhat "bullet proof" and the VOX only solution would suit most IMHO...
VOX is fine for me. Would never consider going to PTT.

Two VOX issues that I (and possibly others) have to address.

1) Getting the passenger to place the mic very close to the lips.

2) Not blowing the fresh air vent directly on the mic.

I'm a PTT kind of guy.

I hate it when my passenger coughs or sneezes in my ears.

I hate it when you never hear the first 2 words of a conversation.

I hate it when the wind blows on the mic. Try taxing in an RV-4 with the canopy cracked in the summer. There is no wind screen.

I hate it when you have to constantly adjust the thing for different phases of a flight.

I hate it when my passenger screams in my ears while doing aerobatics.

I guess I'm just old and grumpy.

Are there any reports from the field for using the GTR 200's two discrete inputs configured for Pilot ICS PTT and CoPilot ICS PTT? I am considering one in an experimental Super Cub that flies with one or both doors open and the back seater is in a hurricane. My PSE PM 1000II is awesome until the doors are open. Then the rear seat mic VOX is fully on, even with good mic muffs.

So I would think it nice to be able to have the GTR 200 ICS in VOX mode until opening the door(s) at which time I could switch over to ICS PTT mode. Kind of like the PSE PM1200 but with the built-in stereo audio of the GTR and without an extra box.

Thanks for any feeback.

I use the GTR200 vox intercom in a Christen Eagle. I leave the squelch on automatic and it is the best intercom that I have ever used. I generally don't have wind noise to deal with, at least the air from the vents hasn't been a problem. This is a very noisy cockpit and I previously had a fairly expensive NAT intercom that worked well, but this one works better.