
Well Known Member
Thought I would follow up with a pirep of the PS Engineering 100 EX that I am using, along with the other 2 installs I've done on friends RV8's. It's the best sounding intercom I've used. Maybe it's the intellivox system, but I can't detect the usual "white noise" hiss that seems to always be present when talking to your pax in seemingly all other intercoms I've used. The blue tooth has so far worked great for the music on my Blackberry, although the 1 time I have tried to use it to make a call (on the ground) it didn't work(operator error probably)! The radio has worked great, along with the music interface via XM from the 796.
For what it's worth to folks wiring their planes, here is my personal experience.

On my RV8 I had installed an SL40 with a 403 intercom and Harness supplied from Vans. The previous Flightcom harness isolates only the MIC jack from airframe ground. The headphone jack in that harness is Stereo but only uses 2 shielded wires with the barrell of the jack being grounded. I have fought noise in my intercom since day one. Installed an alternator noise filter( some help), installed a large capacitor (some help). Mostly I just didn't use my lights much due to the noise. I have no dedicated ground lines for any of the light systems.
Now comes my panel upgrade, built the harness myself via a great schematic from Stein. Shielded where they said to shield, grounded where they said to ground. 3 wire shielded cable to the headphone and MIC jacks, with isolating washers for both this time. I now have absolutely NO noise in my system anymore. Used to be, every time I turned on something electrical, I could detect it in the headphones, albeit very faintly(unless it was the landing lights)! Now, nothing, NADA, blissful silence no matter what I turn on.
PAR100EX Harness

J Thocker, did you use the rs232 connections on the harness? If so, what data are you moving and is it useful? I am building my non-warranty harness and am looking for guidance on how the panel uses the rs232 pass through.

Thanks MB