
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I'm looking for any feedback (no pun intended) on the performance of the PS Engineering Intellivox system. I currently have a PS 6000 audio panel with manual vox knobs for pilot and passenger, and frankly, it can be a bit of a pain to set. When I have someone in the back, I am constantly having to fiddle with their vox because the background noise changes so much with the canopy open or closed - and most of the time in Houston, it has to be open on the ground to keep from par-boiling people back there!

Just curious if folks have any experiences (good or bad) with this system in RV's with significant air/background noise.


(P.S. Don't tell Louise I'm shopping.....oops! :eek: )
PS Eng. Intellivox


I have a 7000 audiopanel in my Tiger, and it works great ... with the canopy open or closed. I love not having to mess with the squelch anymore. Highly recommended.

Washington, DC
Paul Ive had 2 PS7000's in 2 RV's. Never had a problem.
Has worked as advertised.
Since my 8 has higher speeds and wind noise than the average RV, I'd guess that it works even better than needed.
Yep, I have an 8000. After 50hrs, I'm totally happy with not having to mess with squelch. It just works in all conditions.
Thanks everyone! We're looking for an audio panel for the -6 first, and maybe I can slip in an upgrade for the Val at the same time....Intellivox sounds like the way to go!

(I really didn't care when it was me solo most of the time, but when I've got someone important to talk to, well....)


Ironflight said:
(P.S. Don't tell Louise I'm shopping.....oops! :eek: )

Considering the money we plan to plow into my -6's panel, I not is a position to say much negative about a Val audio panel replacement.
Intellivox kicks butt

I'll third the comments on Intellivox. I have the P7000CD and it is blissful silence for the most part. Voice quality on the PS Engineering products has always impressed me.

When taxiing around with the canopy back, if the passenger is placing their head out into the slipstream too much, you can simply isolate the passenger mike with a flick of the ISO switch.
Louise Hose said:
Considering the money we plan to plow into my -6's panel, I not is a position to say much negative about a Val audio panel replacement.

What's that phone number again guys? 1-800-Flowers? :p :D :rolleyes:

Louise knows I'm just doing some long range planning....and the -6 is geting the A200 out of the Val when my 210 comes in!