
Well Known Member
Has anyone here bought the Provision fiber optic scopes? If you have, can you get a fair picture with them? The cost is a fraction of the quality bore scopes. Just wondering if Provision might be bending the "you get what you pay for" rule in our favor. If you have used one of these units, please enlighten us with your insight to this dark area ;)
Might help out, but wouldn't replace a 2-way articulating borescope, but for the price I'd probably pick one up.
Bought it

I bought the ProVision Eagle Elite. See picture and report in tool section of this site. Good Product! :)
used a simiar one

have used acouple of these, one was an "obedient" and one was not they work ok as long as very clean. i did have some trouble making out the samll details i was loking for. the obedient seemed easier to use.
the ones i used were not this brand however