
Well Known Member
My 18 yr old daughter passed her PPL written yesterday.
Now to complete the flying. Shooting to have ticket by OSH.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 fuse/cabin top

That's great. I'm studying for mine right now. Look forward to having that part out of the way.
Thats great! I remember a couple years back when I took mine - talk about being nervous! Tell her to keep up the good work!
She must have bigger uh gonads than me to consider flying into OSH as a ~50 hr PPL.:eek:

Practice a lot of slow flight in case some loose nut in a cub flies final at 40 mph, and be ready to go around.

Looking forward to the trip report.

Any extra room in the 5th wheel!! I'll bring the beer and brats. I'm going to have to see how much camping gear I can get in the -4. I'm guessing I wont bother with cooking gear, just sleeping gear and a tooth brush.
Is the 10 ready to fly?

So is the 10 getting ready to fly? I would love to see you guys again. I would love to see you fly over to Thompson some weekend and check out my 9 progress. I could stand another RV fix myself.

As far as my 9, I have just ordered the finish kit from Van's. It is scheduled to be delivered March 10th. I have ordered the James Holy Cowl so it will be here before I know it. I have also talked to the engine guys. I guess I am getting ready to shell out the big bucks now. Oh yeah, speaking of big bucks, I have also been talking with SteinAir so I am going to be an awful lot poorer real quickly here. Between finishing kit, cowl, engine and instruments I might have to take a night job soon. :D

give your daughter a big congrats on the written! I know you're proud! She'll be buzzing around in Mitchell's 9a before you know it (if she hasn't already :) Hope the -10 is coming along well. I need to come by and check the progress. I am still working on fixing my ding so I can get the -6 painted. It's been too cold to work in the hanger. I know...I'm wimpy.


Glad to hear the 9a is progressing. We need to come out to Thompson's this spring and check it out.

Jerry Calvert
Congrats to you and your daughter!

RV10Man - -

Congrats are entirely in order, and your pride is absolutely justified, sir.

By way of mentioning a somewhat similar circumstances, my 21 yr old daughter also has an interest in aviation. She finishes at the Naval Academy this spring, and starts flight school at Pensacola (I'm guessing) this fall. Dad is thrilled, naturally.

Isn't it just great when your daughter calls you with a flying question?
re:-10 progress

Steve, the -10 is coming along.........slowly. I've been working on some craft tables for my wife in the spare bedroom.
I do have the cabin top "rough trimmed" and sitting on the fuselage now. I've moved it from my building room in the hanger out into the main hanger. So temps have a lot to do with how much I actually get to work on it. I've got my radio, transponder, Dynon mounting brackets, & some other parts for the panel. I think you knew I already have the engine. I haven't even begun to do the wiring yet, but I don't really see what would be hard about it, after all, I have Charlie, Jerry, Mitchell, & probably at least 20 others that will, at the drop of a hat, be out to help when I ask for it.:)
I think Mitchell's going to be giving some rides in the -9A this weekend. Michela wants to fly also, s.....o there ought to be plenty of flying going on at Twin Lakes. So come on out.
Michela starts school at SWOSU in Weatherford this fall, she's changing her major to engineering physics. I bought her a mobile home in a park out there & I've been doing some work on it. This bites into the building time too.:eek: But, I don't mind doing these things for them. The airplane will fly when it flys.
You bet, Jerry. Mitchell took her up in the -9 a couple of weeks ago & she really enjoyed it, kind of got her a little more excited.
The rest of ya'll, that's Okie for you all or you guys,:D she's been reading your posts, with a big grin while doing it. She appreciated all the good words & pats on the back. Thanks.
We talked about flying the -10 to OSH. She figured she's fly it to Fon du Lac & make me come & get it to fly in on into OSH.:confused::). I figure by then the 13 yr old (she'll be about 16 then) will be working on her PPL so she can ride with Michela (show her the way):D, and leave mom & me alone in the pickup/5th wheel.;)
Anyway, thanks again for all the kind words & we'll keep her enthusiasim?? alive.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 fuse/cabin top
I'll be curious what makes a father more proud, his daughter getting her PPL or walking her down the isle with someone he completely approves of. I hope you have a few years to answer the second part of that.

This is big news for both of you! I hope the training and practical go easily and quickly!

Alright, let me first explain - I'm Marshall's (RV10Man) daughter, and I have been reading all the replies to his thread! :D I finally decided that I can't take not saying thank you to all!!!

Thank you all so so much for the support and encouragement!!! It means a lot! :D:D
