YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
As I finish up my empennage I have realized that I haven't done as well as I should have at protecting the rudder skins from minor scuffs. No deep scratches or anything and I am planning on painting eventually, but I am wondering if there is anything I can or should do to protect the surface from corrosion over the next few years while I build. I live in a salt air environment. I am using AKZO on the inside surface, would that be tough to paint over or could I consider priming the rudder skins for protection in the meantime? I am keeping the vinyl on where possible but I guess a few scuffs were bound to happen. I have since put carpet down on the workbench.

While I await advice I am going to make my VAF donation!

I would not worry about it. It's not going to see actual rain and even if it did, it's alclad. If a Cessna on the ramp doesn't corrode away to nothing after 30 years....I imagine yours will be ok. My rv4 wings and emp spent a couple of years in my garage in Orlando without any issue anyway.

Just my opinion, others may disagree.
Prep for painting

The first thing you do to prep for painting is get out the sandpaper and scuff up the surface. Just don't worry about the minor scratches, they are just prep for painting.

leading edge ...

.... Is definitely harder than the trailing edge .... Unless you have the hands of a 10 yr old to hold that bucking bar. :)