YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Working on my first condition inspection, and have noticed a few small areas on the ignition leads (mags to plugs) that have worn small areas away from the outer sheath. These appear to be original to the mags, with the silver/gray woven sheath.

Is there a recommended method to protect these areas from further chaffing? Shrink wrap would require removing an end... Thanks!

In general, better to re-route as needed to reach a spot where you can place an Adel clamp.

"Padding" cables and wires is unpredictable. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
Thanks Dan - wires have already been routed to prevent further changing. Should I try to cover the worn areas in any way, even if they aren't rubbing any more?

Don't remember who said it here but I will always remember this sound advise, " If it can chafe, it WILL chafe "

I have used a dab of RTV anywhere they rub, has worked since 1972 for me on all aircraft I have maintained or inspected.