This might sound like a dumb question but here goes. When mixing Proseal, the ratio specified is 100/10 by weight. I can interpret this two ways: (1) 90 grams of part A mixed with 10 grams of part B resulting in 100 grams total or (2) 100 grams of part A mixed with 10 grams of part B resulting in 110 grams total. Which is correct? Before I start, I want to be sure. Thanks.
I think the black stuff is 10% of the white goo. If one scoop of the white goo is 90 grams, the I add 9 grams for the black stuff. I also think there is some minor leeway and the only thing will be affected is the curing time. The seesaws method in Vans instruction has a large amount of error compare to my postal scale.
FWIW: The instructions that came with my batch say: "10 parts white sealant to 1 part black activator". So, I read the instructions as your item 2. I use a postal scale and if I use 4oz of white goo, I use 0.4oz of the black goo. Hope this helps.
I found the balance to be extremely accurate, I used rollerblade bearings with the pivot just above the boom cg. Very sensitive. No way will I go back to the scale, mine kept resetting and after I started filling the containers and there was no way to set zero again with them half filled.
Proseal mix

If you err, do so on the hotter side. I've mixed to 5:1 a few times on non fuel tank parts to get a faster set in the cold. Naca vents. I routinely mixed for the tank closer to 9:1. My shop is cold.

I used 10:1 by volume and that gives about a 9:1 by weight. I measured out volume using syringes with the tips cut off. Very easy, very fast.
I used 10:1 by volume and that gives about a 9:1 by weight. I measured out volume using syringes with the tips cut off. Very easy, very fast.

Should be 10:1 by weight. It's very clear in the instructions. I'm guessing it only affects the rate of cure, however. Though many dispute this, I don't think it's critical.

I used 10:1 by volume and that gives about a 9:1 by weight. I measured out volume using syringes with the tips cut off. Very easy, very fast.

So how do you get the proseal components in the syringe?
How long can you leave it in the syringe?
Are both syringe s the same size?
I assume (I know that is bad) you measure with the gradations on the syringe, is this correct?
Have you tried to verify the ratio with a scale?
Sorry to be a five year old but I?m curious as this sounds like it might work except for getting those sticky components in a syringe.
I used popcicle sticks (from hobby store) to spoon the proseal into the syringe which I got at Tractor Supply company (in the equine section).

The syringe in good for quite awhile, I honstly do not remember leaving proseal in there longer than 20-min or so. If there was any left after a job I tossed the whole thing.

I personally measured evertying by weight. You can get a super cheap digital scale at all the usual online places.