Hi all
I am working on the muffler cover area and it calls for proseal to seal edges etc in several differant places
What is the life of proseal once mixed in the cartridge ?
I dont think I have time to do all parts listed in one siting and was hoping not to have to use several tubes of proseal when the area required only looks like 1 tube would do the job
Depends on the proseal but generally you'll get 30-60 minutes, at most. You can mix freeze it to extend the useful life.
Do yourself a favor and buy a quart then you mix as much as you need when you need it.
Amen to Walt?s reply. I tried to do the cartridges and ended up spending (and wasting) more than necessary. Got a digital Harbor Freight scale and mixed my own. It?s nice to be able to mix up a tablespoon of sealant whenever you need it. Others may disagree but I would forego the cartridges except maybe for the fuel tanks.
I use a hybrid approach.
I use the cartridges for application, but mix from the quart can.
For me, it makes applying the proseal much neater and controlled.
I kept the tubes from when I built the tanks, but you can buy empty tubes also.

The cartridges and nozzles can be easily reused. Just squeeze out the excess once you are done with the job. Allow the remaining proseal to cure in the cartridge tube and nozzle. After it cures, unscrew the nozzle and pop off the "spear". Put the nozzle back on and use an airgun on the nozzle tip to pop the remaining "button" of proseal and the ram out of the tube. Makes a nice "pop"! Any residue in the tube can be rolled out with your finger or a rag. The key is to not leave a big slug in the tube, because you won't be able to pop it out.

And, you can extend the working time by putting it in the freezer, but for small jobs, just mix what you need out of the can.
I've mentioned this before; my favorite proseal dispenser is from the aviation dept at the local grocery store: cheap qt size zip locking plastic bags. Turn one inside out & place on the scale. Weigh the two parts, reach in the bag and turn it right side out. Mix on a table with a short piece of pvc pipe or wood dowel used as a rolling pin. Push the mix to one bottom corner, snip ~1/8" off the corner, & 'decorate' your part like a baker. Throw bag away.

Takes longer to tell it than to do it.

(And I'd never try to convince anyone that unmixed proseal kept in a freezer for 15 years still works...)

Thanks for the responses
Yes starting to realise that a quart of the stuff would be a better option than the couple of tubes that I have
Will just have to see how far I get I suppose and get more if required just a pain in Australia to get where I am
Do you need much more for the rest of the build have done fuel tank a etc just working of fuselage now ?
If you're not doing fuel related sealing, have you checked with Van's to see if another sealant is acceptable? High temp RTV, urethanes, etc etc.
For smaller amounts I mixed up a batch then used popsicle sticks from the craft store to push it into a syringe from the vet. Makes it very easy to apply small amounts. Let the remainder cure in the syringe for a day or two and then clean it out. The cured proseal pushes back up the tube easily with a wire and you can use the syringe again. Works really good.
I bought the quart for fuel tanks, then ran out when installing the firewall. I knew that I would not need another full quart, so I bought the 3.5 ounce and separate the white portion from the black portion. Simple. Then put each part in separate plastic storage containers.

I might have lost a small amount of each, but most was/is still available for he next thing I need to do.
Caulking tubes

Has anyone used regular sized caulking gun tubes to shoot our Proseal? There's a vendor on E-bay that will sell 12 empty tubes for about $15 plus shipping. They are meant to be used with a regular sized caulking gun. I'm thinking about using them. I would like to cut them in half, and fill them with pre-mixed Proseal. Is Proseal to thick for these tubes to work?
Catheter tip syringe

I highly recommend the 60 mm catheter tip syringe for proseal application. I bought 10 for about $11 on Amazon. Premix the proseal and fill the syringe. Better and cheeper than caulking gun.

Has anyone used regular sized caulking gun tubes to shoot our Proseal? There's a vendor on E-bay that will sell 12 empty tubes for about $15 plus shipping. They are meant to be used with a regular sized caulking gun. I'm thinking about using them. I would like to cut them in half, and fill them with pre-mixed Proseal. Is Proseal to thick for these tubes to work?

Never used caulk tubes but did use large food syringes. They also drop into a caulk gun. Check ranch supply stores.
Like this one. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32964854442.html?src=google&albslr=229170705&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&albcp=1582410664&albag=59754279756&trgt=310549338888&crea=en32964854442&netw=u&device=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuIeO8-ue4gIVR1cNCh0ypg6nEAQYASABEgLrmfD_BwE
Don't hate me for this, but I'm building a SPA Panther that uses sealed "pop-rivets" to assemble the fuel tanks. I'm looking for a way to quickly shoot the Proseal on all 6 ribs, spread it out, and rivet all ribs to the fuel tank skins, before the Proseal sets up. Two hours doesn't seem like a lot of time to me.
Don't hate me for this, but I'm building a SPA Panther that uses sealed "pop-rivets" to assemble the fuel tanks. I'm looking for a way to quickly shoot the Proseal on all 6 ribs, spread it out, and rivet all ribs to the fuel tank skins, before the Proseal sets up. Two hours doesn't seem like a lot of time to me.

In that case I wouldn't use a caulk tube. Just mix a batch and spread it with tongue depressors.