
Well Known Member
Was wondering if anyone has any tips for removing the inboard rib that is under the tank attach bracket after its been sealed up with Proseal (probably a month or two). If it makes a difference this is on an RV10.

Long story short, on both tanks, I missed putting Proseal between the rib and the tank attach bracket. It leaks horribly. I've gone in and tried (at least 3 times) to add more Proseal on the inside of the tank, but the tank attach bracket makes it extremely difficult to see inside. So I decided it was time to remove the rib, and try to start from scratch to get a good seal (luckily, I found this out prior to putting on the rear baffle).

I've taken all the rivets out and have done a decent job getting the Proseal off the outside of the tank - but getting it off the inside is going to be a challenge - especially since i went in and really caked it on, hoping to seal the leak. I've soaked a rag with MEK and held it in there, wiped it along the seam, etc. Still having problems working it loose.

Any thoughts/suggestions? Here is a pic of what I'm trying to remove:

Tank leak

I have seen some nice external repairs using same mixture of epoxy resin with hardner (stock mix) painted on let dry,2nd coat...NO LEAK ! must clean and rough up areas to be coated !
In this thread, posts 123 to 130, I removed a tank end rib and replaced it. It wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated.

One thing that I do is use some type A sealant (from Skygeek) to overcoat the rivets and edges, after I've used the regular type B stuff in between the surfaces. Type A has a thinner consistency, kind of like honey, and I use a plastic hardware-store syringe to apply it. On the rivets, the type A sealant ends up looking a bit like melted Hershey's Kisses.

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Perfect - thanks guys... just ordered some Polygone. Looks like a great product.