I'm not sure but I believe they were at OSH several years ago with a demo of the wipes. I was working on fuel systems at the time and I think their largest customers were the Air Force depots at Warner Robins and Ok City. Again, it's been several years but I think I remember talking to my contacts at WR and Tinker and hearing it did a good job removing the sealant.

There was some discussion of this on the Grumman message board - Grummans use far bigger 'blobs' of ProSeal in their fuel tanks than our RVs... and after 30 years, get more leaks.

The message seemed to be that the product worked, but might be bad for the epoxy in the bonded joints between the tank and the ribs - no rivets here.

Since this is certainly not a problem with our RVs... it's worth a try.

Is the stuff expensive?

gil A
I tried to get some here in Brisbane ,Australia, it was $55 AUD,for 6oz, but was told that i need a $200 min order, so I dont think I will be getting any soon. I was going to try and cleanup my first go with proseal on my 7A tanks. I have found that you must clean as you go, dont let the mess sit over night. My second tank looks much better.
Just an update. I didnt get PolyGone Pro-seal remover. I did try something else with great results ! I use paint stripper. its like a gel, I just used a brush to put it on, 2 - 4 mins later wipe off and clean. :)