
Well Known Member
I got pre-built tanks, but have to assemble the fuel sender and pickup tube fittings onto the access cover. Some questions...

1) i installed the nutplates on my access cover, but later wondered if I should have put proseal in the rivet holes. The outside of these rivets gets completely covered by the base of the fuel sender assembly, so if I proseal this, it should seal it up good... thoughts?

2) Should I proseal the rivet holes of my anti-rotation bracket, before riveting? Or can I seal this up with proseal after installation?

3) Studying the fuel sender (float type), it looks as if the whole electronics part of it sits submerged in the fuel! Does fuel not conduct electricity?
Mel said:
Nope! Fuel does NOT conduct electricity.
In fact, in the case of capacitance fuel probes it acts as the dielectric between the capacitor plates. (Finally, a chance to show off something I learned at A&P school!!)
any thoughts on my other two questions? Should proseal be applied in those rivet holes before setting the rivets, or can they be sealed-up afterwards?
The plans say not to worry about the nutplate rivets as they will be sealed by the gasket.

As for the anti-rotation rivets, these can be sealed after riveting. At least thats what I'm doing.
proseal everything

IMHO, If you think it will leak, proseal it. Because if you don't you will always wonder. Proseal is great stuff. :)

Mike Ice
Fuselage nearing completion, just starting on the canopy, slicing and dicing plexi, what fun. :cool: