
Where does one buy the proseal in the tubes used in a Semco gun?
I find the guns on ebay and some but not many tubes also but no indication off what is in the tubes. They just call them sealant. I think we need AMS-S-8802A Class B-2.
AntiGravity said:
Anyone know, using the gun, can you mix just as much as you want each time?

With the cartridge you have to mix all of it together at once. It is definitely convenient.
Dismantle it

I usually pull the cartridge to bits and squeeze out as much as I need. Usually I go in thirds, or quarters. A little messy/tricky sometimes, but at least I don't have to use it all at once. If the gun allows me to do that easier, then I'm getting one...
Proseal in a tube

I found a solution to this that really worked well for me. I bought those tubes from Spruce and they were a pain. You had to mix it all at once and use it or lose it. That was expensive and wasteful. What about the small jobs? My audiologist (hearing aid place) uses small disposable syringes to inject stuff in my ears to make the ear mold. She gave me a syringe to try out with the Proseal and it was great. It's only 6 or 7 inches long. I bought a quart of sealant from Vans. Mixed as much or as little sealant as needed for the job and loaded it into the syringe with that fat popcycle stick. Insert the plunger and away you go. When the job is complete toss the syringe and use a new one for the next job. Try them, you'll like em.

RV-7A, Wings
Yes it is but I thought the proseal came in the tube and mixed on the way out.
I didn't realize you have to premix and then to put the #*@X$# stuff in the tube.
That's what I am hoping to get away from.
I bought the semco gun and some tubes on ebay tonight so I will see what arrives.
You don't have to mix it, and then put it in the tube.

Everything happens inside the tube. The tube has a complicated mechanism inside that allows you to mix it in place. You push a rod to inject the catalyst, while moving a plunger from one end of the tube to the other. Then you move the plunger back and forth a gazillion times to mix the stuff throughly.

Follow the instructions closely, or you'll end up with too much of the catalyst at one end of the tube, and not enough at the other end.
Proseal tubes

The tubes of proseal sold by Vans are filled with both resin and activator at the factory. The two components are mixed with a plunger that is part of the package.

I ordered one of these when I did my rudder. It worked, but after doing my tanks with the plainly packaged quart and a handfull of 60 cc medical syrings from the local farm store, I can recommend that you NOT go the route of the Semco gun.

The prepackaged proseal will ultimately cost you 5 to 10 times (due to package cost and wasted proseal) what the plain can of proseal will cost.

MEK or Laquer thinner disolves the stuff. The semco packages don't do anything to avoid getting it all over the place while wet rivetting, so your gonna get messy anyway. In my opinion, the semco ain't worth it for this small RV task.

If I was laying beads on a production line, it would be a different story.
I will differ from some of the previous opinions. I used Semco tubes of sealant when I did my tanks and liked the way it worked. I thought it created less mess than mixing and applying it by hand. I laid a bead of sealant down and then spread it out with a small stainless steel spatula like artists use to mix paint.

Yes it is much more expensive to use tubes and you might waste some since you have to mix it all at once, but I found that I didn't really waste too much. You can buy different size tubes and I found that 6 oz. tubes were about right for what I could do at one time. Putting the gun and the mixed tube in the refrigerator in between applications will extend the working life while you rivet sections. You can also get 2.5 oz. tubes

By the way, all tubes are not equal. The Mil-spec says to fill a 6 oz tube with 3.5 oz. of sealant. Some distributors put up to 5.5 oz. of sealant in a 6 oz. tube. I buy mine from Seal Pak (

Good luck,
First of all you don't need a gun to use the Proseal in a tube, you can just push the stuff out with anything that fits inside a tube. I haven't used the stuff you have to mix from a can. But I can tell you the stuff in the tube is easy to use and with a little practice I am able to use it with out getting any of it on me or where I don't want it. I have used over thirty tubes of this stuff on my RV-10 and it is very easy to use if you don't try to put to much on at one time. If you need a little just mix it and put it in the freezer right away and you will be able to use it later on. It can be expensive so get the big tube and have everything ready to seal at one time.