Well Known Member
So I have the proseal quart kit and am working toward doing my fuel tanks.

I found on aircraft spruce the plastic TechCon 2.5 oz tubes and the plunger caps. I have the hand-operated proseal gun from Vans here after doing the trim tab/elevators.

Here are the pieces from aircraft spruce:

Does this mixer work with them? How does it work?http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/skinWedge.php

I've read about using various syringes and things and all sounds interesting. Just curious if the above are the right pieces to go together with the gun, and whether the mixer works with these and how it works? If the little mixer isn't a time saver I can just mix by hand in a bowl?..

the mixer is for pre packaged sealant. To use an empty cartridge you will be mixing it externally and then stuffing it in the cartridge. So you will not need it. Hope that explains it

Some swear by the various tools. If it works for you, great, that's what it's all about.
Personally, I mixed in a cup, spread with a popsicle sticks and tongue depressors, then tossed the trash. No clean up.
I did use one or two large syringes. I got those big ones they use in the hospital for liquid feeding. I used them in tight spots like the leading edge rib fillets, to run a bead. They even fit in a caulking gun.
My $0.02

The pneumatic sealant gun (Semco, cheaper brands or borrow) is very nice for dispersing even, bubble-free beads of proseal, in various, consistent diameters. I also highly recommend using the pre-proportioned cartridges that Vans sells (or other suppliers of sealant if you go with a different brand). My research told me that mixing by hand from the quart kits, stuffing it into the little plastic containers and then squeezing was a hassle and didn't save much, especially when considering the cost of the tubes, tips, plungers and how many of them would NOT get cleaned after use. I bought the pre-proportioned cartridges and used the little mixer attachment (the one you linked) chucked into a cordless drill. Works great. Plus you can keep the cartridges in the fridge until needed, then simply mix and squirt. Much cleaner, much more convenient and didn't really cost that much more in the end (I used a borrowed pneumatic gun). Just my $0.02.
I'm wondering if the empty tubes can have the two ingredients put in them and then the plunger from a pre-packed tube used to mix in the home-prepped tube? That would let me use the home-prepped tube to do all the work in and not have to mix in a bowl for transfer to the tubing?
I don't think so.

The part that is used to mix the ingredients (used with the mixer drill attachment) is different from the plunger. It is a long piece with a short-of blade attached to it, which when spun and moved up and down, mixes the ingredients. Then you unscrew it and screw in the tip. the plunger part in on the other side and is what spooges out the proseal. If you could by the black piece, is could work. However, I think, by the time you add it all up, you're about the cost of buying the pre-proportioned cartridges.