
Well Known Member
I'm about ready to close up my rudder and elevators on a -9 and inadvertantly primed (with Variprime) the inside rudder skins as well as the wedge that will go between them. Given that I'm going to use Proseal for those trailing edges, will I have to remove the Variprime before I can successfully use Proseal to bond the edges and wedge together? I've found that lacquer thinner will take off the Variprime relatively easily, but would prefer to avoid doing that if leaving it on will not pose complications for the Proseal.

primer & sealer

If I'm correct, all the pro seal is for is to keep the parts in place while riveting. Personally, I don't see a problem with leaving the primer there. BTW, I used T-88 to hold mine together.

Marshall Alexander,
RV10, working on the wings
The pro-sealed metal should be clean and roughed up so the stuff has more "grip" surface.

Did the same thing,
the pro seal is only as good as the surface it adheres to, clean, dry, non oily sticks real good, put it on top of something else (primer/paint) and you might be doing it over again if that surface wasn't prepped properly to begin with, my two cents worth, I would clean it as best as possible and then apply sealant.