
I'm New Here
Hello all,

I bought a plane back in October and it came with 2 props. The climb prop was installed and the cruise prop came recently. I was hoping to get some information on the positives and the negatives of both.

I am currently at about 4300 field elevation and can get up to 10.5 and 11.5 with ease. When I get up to speed I am having to bring the throttle back because of engine speed.

Thank you for your time. Fly on!
Climb (fine pitch) prop - shorter takeoff distance, faster climb, slower cruise speed for a given RPM.
Cruise prop (coarser pitch) - longer takeoff run, slower climb performance, faster cruise speed for a given RPM. You shouldn?t have to pull the power back as much, or maybe not at all to cruise at your desired cruise power setting.
Coming back to the airport, the climb prop should slow the airplane more quickly when you pull the power back or off than the coarser cruise prop.