John RV8

Well Known Member
Looks like the FAA is considering an AD on ALL Superior IO-360 and O-360 Crankshafts.

Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA?2018?1077; Product Identifier 2018?NE?40?AD]
RIN 2120?AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) Engines and Lycoming Engines Reciprocating Engines With a Certain SAP Crankshaft Assembly
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)

The Comment period ends March 16 th.

It?s not ?all?. It?s ones with ?a certain SAP crankshaft assembly installed?.

If you read the actual proposed AD, In the body of the AD it says ALL, SAP (Superior Air Parts) IO-360 and O-360 engines.

I think the ones with ?a certain SAP crankshaft? are a few Lycoming engines which have a Superior crankshaft installed as a replacement.

I hope I?m wrong.
it may be my limited observation, but it seems there are more AD's on 360 than 320 overall.
John, it does say “ALL” but it also says “AND”. Here is the entire sentence:
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all SAP Model IO-360-series and O-360-series reciprocating engines and certain Lycoming Engines (Lycoming) Model AEIO-360-, IO-360-, and O-360-series reciprocating engines with a certain SAP crankshaft assembly installed.

Breaking it down, all SAP Model IO-360-series and O-360-series reciprocating engines with a certain SAP crankshaft assembly installed AND certain Lycoming Engines (Lycoming) Model AEIO-360-, IO-360-, and O-360-series reciprocating engines with a certain SAP crankshaft assembly installed.
The “with a certain SAP crankshaft assembly installed” belongs to both “all SAP model” and “certain Lycoming engines” and are joined with the “and”.

This becomes obvious if you read further down the AD and see that they are only talking about certain part numbers and certain serial numbers:

This AD applies to the reciprocating engine models identified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this AD with a Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) crankshaft assembly, part number (P/N) SL36500-A20 or P/N SL36500-A31, with serial numbers 82976-01; 82976-02; SP12-0003 through SP12-0089, inclusive; SP13-0034 through SP13-0150, inclusive; or SP14-0151 through SP14-0202, inclusive; installed.

If that’s not enough, I have a Superior IO-360 built by Aerosport Power. It has an affected P/N crankshaft mentioned above, however the serial number is not one of the affected mentioned above and I am therefore not affected. A true “ALL” would mean I was affected. I confirmed this with a phone call to Aerosport.
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FAA says 77 experimental aircraft have one of the crankshafts

Following from proposed AD and related words

The FAA estimates that this proposed AD would affect 115 crankshaft assemblies installed on airplanes of U.S. registry. This cost estimate does not include 77 SAP crankshafts installed on experimental engines since these engines are not included in the applicability of this AD
Hmmm, this is weird. AD says it affects 115 crankshafts plus 77 experimental, which adds up to 192. But they list 256 serial numbers?!?

?This AD applies to the reciprocating engine models identified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this AD with a Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) crankshaft assembly, part number (P/N) SL36500-A20 or P/N SL36500-A31, with serial numbers 82976-01; 82976-02; SP12-0003 through SP12-0089, inclusive; SP13-0034 through SP13-0150, inclusive; or SP14-0151 through SP14-0202, inclusive; installed.?
Looks like the FAA is considering an AD on ALL Superior IO-360 and O-360 Crankshafts.

Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA?2018?1077; Product Identifier 2018?NE?40?AD]
RIN 2120?AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Superior Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) Engines and Lycoming Engines Reciprocating Engines With a Certain SAP Crankshaft Assembly
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)

The Comment period ends March 16 th.

Does this **** ever end? Seems like every manufacturer finds new ways to screw up making these things.

Makes me think my 52 year old O320 crank is a better bet than a new one.
AD superior IO360

Got the news back from Superior that my engines crankshaft is one of the serial numbers listed

They are compiling a list of owners that have called and will notify us when they, Superior, and the FAA decide what how the AD will be applied.

Of the 3 failures I would love to know how many hours on the engines. Were they relatively low time

Any of the planes RV?s. I understand all three made emergency landings.

I do know Superior finally had to settle the RV8 accident with an XP400 engine.

I have about 530 hours have done oul analysis with no problems indicated.

Wait and see🤔
For those with Superior engines (like me - we have one on our Tundra), if you;re wondering about the affected range of cranks, I checked with the company, and it appears that the cranks in the AD were from the 2012 - 2014 timeframe. Ours was from back in 2004, so we’re clear. This might help with the least for those with older or younger cranks!

Hey Paul your correct and mine was a Superior kit engine they call them, sold by Superior to JJ Air Parts then to my engine builder. Where he has the option to modify cylinders, have the engine balanced, ported etc. Sad part is my engine runs sooooo good!! But I am thankful if what they state is a problem with the hardening process on the crank that no one got hurt yet from my understanding.

My engine was ordered Feb of 2013 and assembled in June 2013.
Superior info

See other thread.
Moderator...can we please move this thread to the older, more encompassing thread?