
Well Known Member
Yes, I purchased Plans way back when Van just sold plans, so I have sn 3738.
After several years of not having my -6, and missing it terribly.
The decision was made last weekend, after camping next to a group of RVs at Critters Lodge, to begin the RV4 i had dreamed up several years ago.
Now with basic-med I can fly RVs again!
I'll call it a mixture of RV and HR, not unlike others have done here in the past, but with my own twist.
My first plan is to be a scrounger and find as many parts lingering in airplane kit limbo.
One goal is to build the plane for less than 30K, we will see (-:

So if you know of any -4 or even -6 projects in the Texas area please send them my way.

Hi Frank,

I feel your pain. I've sold my share in the RV4 that we had and have missed it from the moment I handed over the keys.

The fact that I am nosing around again here - mere months later - says it all, I guess.

Good luck and have fun!

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