Just got a new to me -3A. Unfortunately it doesn’t have a prop. It has a O-320. Where are some good places to look for a ground adjustable prop? If I get a fixed pitch, what is a good pitch to get for climb and cruise? My home airport is at 3,900’ and da in the summer gets up to or a little more than 7,000. I don’t want a prop that is best for climb, nor one best for speed.


I would look into a Catto fixed pitch prop.. I bet a Catto out performs any ground adjustable prop..
Just got a new to me -3A. Unfortunately it doesn’t have a prop. It has a O-320. Where are some good places to look for a ground adjustable prop? If I get a fixed pitch, what is a good pitch to get for climb and cruise? My home airport is at 3,900’ and da in the summer gets up to or a little more than 7,000. I don’t want a prop that is best for climb, nor one best for speed.



Go here... https://www.vansaircraft.com/propellers/ to learn about props.

To understand the pitch, click on Orders page...
click on to make larger

There, you will find a chart...
prop list.JPG
I have got a Catto 2-blade fixed pitch prop that I am not using. Let me know if you'd be interested....

I second (or third or fourth) a shiny new Catto. Not ground adjustable but I’d also bet it would outperform them. Best money we spent on our 3’s refurbishment.
I would make sure you understand why it does not have a prop and it’s properly documented in the logbooks.
I would make sure you understand why it does not have a prop and it’s properly documented in the logbooks.

Husband was rebuilding it among 50 other projects and sadly passed away. Wife has lots of parts for lots of aircraft, including the original prop but she wants new prices for it.
Put anything you can find on it. Fly to Craig’s shop. Put his prop on, fly it, and you will leave with that prop or a modified version depending on how it tested out while you were there.
He’s probably done enough 3’s to not bother but it’s fun and you will learn a lot.
Put anything you can find on it. Fly to Craig’s shop. Put his prop on, fly it, and you will leave with that prop or a modified version depending on how it tested out while you were there.
He’s probably done enough 3’s to not bother but it’s fun and you will learn a lot.

Forgive me, I am extremely new to the RV world, and the -3. Who is Craig?
I'm late to the party, but I will throw another vote on the Catto pile. I am very pleased with my 3 blade. Cheers


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